Act 21: Wood Style Jutsu

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"Mirai," Kakashi started, as Mirai put down the glass ball on her lap. She looked up at him, and waited for what he wanted to say. "I'm going straight to the point. You can use Wood Style Jutsu too?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes, as if she wanted to recall something. "Hm..."

"Care to tell me how?"

"Let me..." suddenly she touch her head, wincing a bit.

"Mirai? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm okay..." she nodded, before she looked up at the ceiling with squinted eyes. "Say, I was... on my journey to Kumogakure... If only I've heard to Shiruma-san and didn't run off that night..."


"Urgh! I'm sick of it!" Mirai groaned, as she found herself on a side of a river. She kneeled down, washing her face when she heard a rustling sound of the nearby bushes. "Huh? What's that?"

She pulled out a kunai and armed herself. She turned around when she heard rustling behind her. "Oh. I sensed a mass of chakra, and it's from you?" Suddenly, a man with a snake behind him appeared from the darkness with a wicked grin on his face.

"Who are you?" Mirai asked, slowly backing away from the man, still with kunai gripped tightly in her hand. Without any answers, the man slowly walked towards her. "Don't come."

"Now now, calm down, will you?"

"What do you- Ah!" Suddenly, Mirai saw a black snake was biting off her right ankle. She kicked it off, and suddenly she fell to the ground, feeling dizzy. "What the?"

"Don't worry. They're not poisonous." With blurry visions, she watched the man was making his way towards her before her eyes were closed shut. "They just make you fall asleep."


"Huh?" Mirai grumbled, as she opened her eyes. She looked around, and all that she saw were rows of tubes, surgery equipments, everything that sent chills down her spine in that dark room. "Where am I?" She tried to sit up, but her hands and feet were bounded onto an operating table. "What? Damn it!"

"Hey hey. Stay still, will you?" Mirai looked to her left, where the same voice from earlier came from the same guy came into the room, and towards the small table next to her .

"Who are you?! What are you going to do with me?!"

"Relax. I'm just going to test you with something," he cackled, as he put on a pair of white surgeon gloves. "I still can't believe that I've found a body of a Gochakura from the assassinated Senkou clan."

Mirai was struggling to get herself free, but stopped when she saw a half-filled syringe between the man's fingers. "What is that?"

"Nothing of your concern."

"It IS my concern when you're going to inject that into me!" she revolted, but that didn't stop him at all. He stepped closer to her side, lowering the syringe's needle to her left arm.

"Who knows that you could handle more than five..."

As the needle pierced through her skin and flesh, she winced as she could feel the fluid entering her arm, into her bloodstream. "My... body..."


"Urgh... My head..." Mirai groaned as she touched her head and sat up. She blinked a few times to get a clear vision of her dark surrounding. "Wait... Now where am I?" Still sitting on the dirt floor, she reached her arms out and started to look for something in the dark. Standing up, she found a door but there was no knob from the inside, and it wouldn’t budge too.

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