Act 11: Red-White Encounter

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"Ha... I can't sleep too long, because I still have a looong way to go," Mirai yawned, as she woke up in the middle of the night. While she was stretching her body, the small clay hut, that was made with her jutsu, started to turn into mud. "Eh?"

She touched the back of her head, and had just realized something. "Okay, where's my blue ribbon?" She started to search into her backpack and pouches for the ribbon that she had always wear to tie her hair up. "But I'm pretty sure that I've worn it since I left the village. Could it be..." Then she turned around, and realized another possibility. "Nee... did the ribbon break?" Sighing, she patted her back clean and stomped her feet, before continuing her journey in the cold night.

As time passed by, she had almost reached the Fire Country border. The sound of splashing waterfall from the Final Valley became clearer as she walked towards it, and a familiar figure came into her sight, standing on the middle of the river before the waterfall. As the moonlight shone, now Mirai had recognized the person, arming herself with her kunai while walking towards him, and stopped. "You..."

"Ooh... finally you came here. You left the village for us?" said the person, slowly approaching her. She stayed on her spot, still arming with her kunai in her right hand.

"What, you thought I'm giving myself in easily to you? I'm not that stupid, shark-guy," Mirai paused a moment, and chuckled. "What do you guys actually want from me? Where's that friend of yours? The genjutsu guy?" Kisame smirked, as he pulled his Samehada to his front.

"Yare yare... if I were you, I wouldn't ask about him like that." Mirai suddenly felt a different aura in the air, coming right from behind her. Swiftly, she turned around, and a white, clear chakra shield formed a dome around her to protect her from Itachi's thrown shurikens that came from nowhere.

"Hm. So I wasn't wrong that time. It is her," Itachi stated, as he showed himself under the shining moonlight. "The protective power of the White-Wolf Shadow." He walked towards her slowly on the river, while she was still protected by the shield, that was slowly fading. "If Shiruma-san wasn't there that time, we would've already get you. Easily."

"It doesn't matter if Shiruma-san was there or not, because I won't give up to the likes of you. Easily." Suddenly, Mirai felt a stab right through her abdomen. She looked down and saw the tip of Kisame's Samehada, and smiled.

"Oi Itachi, are you deceived?" Kisame sarcastically said, as he grabbed the handle of his sword. But as he pulled it back, Mirai had turned into water. "Hora? It's a Water Clone."

"Hmph. So you really think that I was deceived easily?" Itachi replied, as he closed his eyes. Far behind, standing behind the head of the First Hokage's rock statue, was the real Mirai.

She was there from the start, watching the whole scene while being in the dome shield. "Shiroi, I think you can stop the shield now," Mirai whispered, before the shield started to fade away. But then, she regretted it.

"I wouldn't stop it if I were you," Itachi suddenly whispered into her left ear. Without even sparing some time for her, suddenly Mirai was sent out flying off from her hiding spot by his punch on her abdomen.

"Wow! I shouldn't underestimate you," Kisame yelled out from below, as if he was waiting for Mirai to reach the river so he could get her. "Hm?"

Suddenly a white wolf, covered with a blue chakra cloak, emerged out from Mirai's necklace and swiftly got below her and caught her safely on its back, by expanding its size, before she could fall onto the river hard. Coughing blood from her mouth, she slid down Shiroi's body onto the river.

"Finally! That White-Wolf Shadow had appeared before my eyes. The legend existed after all! Our pursuit are worthless!" Slowly, Kisame walked towards the wolf, dragging his sword through the running water. Despite the pain in her abdomen, Mirai stepped out and ran towards him in full speed. "Oi oi! You're going directly towards me?! Heh! What a daring move!" He stopped, decided to wait for her to get nearer. "Whoa!" In a blink of his eyes, he managed to dodge the fast-flying kunai thrown by Mirai, passing by a mere centimetres from his right cheek. As she got closer, quickly he made a series of hand seals. "Huh! What a fool! Suiton: Water Prison!"

Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now