Act 31: Like Last Time

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It was another peaceful day in Konoha after the incident on the Great Stone Faces' mountain, and Mirai was sitting on her window sill in one of the Konoha Hospital's room. She got hospitalized with Naruto, Kakashi and Seiichi for two days now since that incident.

"Knock knock." Mirai turned at the door, and as it opened Seiichi peeked his head in.

"Ah... Seiichi-kun," she smiled as he walked towards her and sat opposite her on the sill. "How are you feeling now?" she asked, stretching out her hand to touch his forehead.

"Better everytime I meet you," he sheepishly said, as he looked out the window. Mirai giggled, and resting against the window frame while looking down at her hands.

"So... After you're finally healed, you'll leave right?" she suddenly mumbled, getting attention from the new head of Hidden Glass Village and the Kagamiko clan. He watched her silently as she was fidgeting with her fingers.

"I want to bring you with me," Seiichi bravely confessed, breaking the silence between them. Mirai was gasping inside, and blushed at the moment he blushed too. "I know that it's not easy for you to leave your home and your village, so it's your choice." He then grabbed her hands and kissed it. "I'll leave first, then I'll be waiting."

"Will you? Thank you," she thanked him, but then suddenly she felt something in her. Something heavy. The same feeling that she once felt before.

Not trying to reflect her worried expression on her face, she slowly climbed down the sill.

"Seiichi-kun?" she called out in confusion as Seiichi jumped off the sill and suddenly hugged her tightly. Silence came again as they stayed like that for a while.

"This time... It feels like I'm the one who's going to lose you. And you'll never going to look for me." Mirai's eyes widened, shocked with what she had just heard.

It's just like the last time...

"W-What're you talking about?" she chuckled, trying to hide the trembling in her voice. "That's not going to happen, okay?"

"Whatever happens, I'll be always by your side," he promised, placing a kiss on her head. "I love you. I love you so much, Mirai."

"Hihi! My spoiled lover."

"Neechan- eh?" Naruto suddenly chimed in as he flung the door open. Both Mirai and Seiichi pulled away from each other, but Seiichi's arm didn't leave her waist. "Sorry!" he quickly apologized, immediately bowing at them.

"Haha! Is there anything, Naruto?" Mirai said, as she shook her head. Naruto walked in with a small plastic bag in his hand.

"Red bean buns?" Naruto smiled as the couple nodded and they all sat down on the edges of Mirai's bed.

"Where did you get these?" Seiichi asked, as Naruto handed the bag to Mirai.

"I sneaked out and bought some since it's morning. Thank you," Naruto thanked Mirai as she gave him a fresh hot bun. She gave one to Seiichi and took a bite on hers.

"This is so... delicious!" Mirai praised, as she kept munching the bun. She took another bite and let out a soft moan as she closed her eyes. "It's so-" she stopped as she opened her eyes, and found out that both of them were watching her.

"D-D-Do you have to r-react like that?" Seiichi stuttered, continuing to eat his bun as he looked away from her.

"And you. Why are you blushing?" she innocently asked, still eating her bun. "Are you shy with your bun?"

"T-T-That's... The bun is hot, that's why!"

"'Hot'?" Mirai raised her eyebrow, finishing her bun. "You're blushing because the bun is 'hot'? How 'hot' is your Miss Red Bun?"

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