Act 30: Finally The Final

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"Kagamiko Ultimate Jutsu!" Shoichi yelled, before a large amount of broken glass shards started to emerge from under his skin and covered himself with the shards, making him looked like a soldier in samurai armor.

"Wow..." Naruto whispered, as he watched the size of the armor kept getting bigger, until it stopped at a point where the glass armor looked sturdy. "How are we..."

"I was right," Seiichi said to himself, as he stared at his father's new form. "Kakashi-san!" Kakashi turned around as he heard the prince's call. "Think of glass's weakness."

"Diamonds? As if I had them," Kakashi sarcastically pointed out, turning back to Shoichi, being cautious.

"What? You think I do? The other weakness!"

"Ah, I knew it, smarthead," Kakashi said, after a moment of thinking. "Heat. Glass can be melted by high heat."

"You can use your Katon, sensei!" Naruto remarked.

"But I can't always use it, because Fire is not my natural affinity," Kakashi mumbled, as he touched his chin. He took a glance at Mirai who was still undergoing the healing treatment. "If only Mirai is already fine, she can do it since she's a Gochakura."

"Naruto! Kakashi-san! Be careful!" Seiichi warned, as he saw the incoming attack from Shoichi's new form. Both Kakashi and Naruto successfully dodged it in a nick of time.

"Ugh! Sensei!" Naruto called out, as he ran towards his teacher, helping him to stand in the midst of the flying dusts around them. "What we can do?"

"How do you like my new power?! It's tough, and nothing can defeat it!" Shoichi roared, as he rebuilt his cracked glass hand that he had used to smash them.

"I can just try with Gokakyuu. I hope it will hit his chest," Kakashi planned, as the dusts settled down.

"Leave it to me!" Naruto stated, before he dashed towards the giant glass enemy, putting his hands up in a sign. "Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Suddenly, as usual, his clones appeared with puffs of smokes. All of the clones dashed towards Shoichi, distracting him by climbing onto his arms and legs. As Naruto thought that he had opened the chance, he called out. "Sensei!"

"Katon: Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" Suddenly, a large fiery ball was released from Kakashi, landing right on the chest part of the glass armor. Cracking sounds could be heard, and some of the glass had melted away. Even so, the armor kept regenerating new layers of the glass defense. "It worked, but that's not enough."

"Damn it! What can we do now?"

"Dynamic Entry!" Suddenly, the familiar taijutsu had landed on the half-melted glass on the surface of the armor's chest, cracking most of it.

"Guy!" Kakashi gladly called out, trying to hide the fact that he was almost cheering for the coming backup.

"Oh... so you're here, Kakashi. Taking the spotlight, huh?" Guy said, smirking at his eternal rival. Kakashi could just let out a relief sigh.

"Bushier Brow-sensei! Oh?" Naruto paused for a moment as he saw the rest of his Team 7, Team Guy and Tsunade too. "Everyone! We've came this far, and you guys just come?!"

"Mirai-san!" Sakura shouted as she quickly ran towards the healed girl. Mirai sat up, but then Seiichi fell onto her.

"Seiichi-kun!" Mirai called out as she kept patting his pale cheeks. But his cheeks began to feel cold. "Seiichi-kun! Wake up!"

"Seiichi-san! What happened to you?!"

"Heal him. Heal him!" Mirai stammered, as Sakura started to scan Seiichi's condition. "Are you stupid?! Why did you use it?! You know it'll costs your life!" Mirai cried out, letting her tears to roll down her cheeks, dropping on Seiichi's forehead. She was wiping away her tears when suddenly she felt a pat on her shoulder. "Hokage-sama!"

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