Act 14: Gone...

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"Hokage-sama. We've received a report from Kakashi's team. They're now in Hidden Grass. They said that Mirai-san was captured by Akatsuki, but now they're a step on getting her," Shizune reported, as she entered Hokage's room with a small scroll in her hand.

"Hm... Akatsuki. Of course they're after Mirai because of the Wolf," Tsunade said, as she turned her chair around and gazed out her window. "But to know that she had fell into their arms... We can't expect good news from them. For someone strong like her, to get defeated by Akatsuki..."

"But, if Mirai-san already knew that Akatsuki is after her, why didn't she inform us earlier? If only she told us about the Wolf in her, we'll be able to protect her."

"But... Will we be able to stop Akatsuki?" Tsunade turned her chair back to face Shizune. "I know that she's doing this for a reason. Not just to protect Konoha. Considering that she's very close to Naruto, I think she had already known about Akatsuki's target here in Konoha."

"And that would be mean..."

"To protect Naruto."


"Kakashi-sensei, there's a cave within the waterfall. Who knows what's there," Sai reported, while they were on running.

"Good. Let's search for the cave once we got there," Kakashi ordered, continuing the run again. As they ran and ran, they found themselves at the bottom of a waterfall.

"Hm... Was the cave, supposed to be... behind that waterfall?" Naruto said. As he was about to walk towards the waterfall, Kakashi put up his arm and stopped him. "Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto looked up at the jounin, and saw his Sharingan eye was revealed.

"There's two people who are coming out the cave, behind that waterfall. Be ready, they might be Akatsuki," Kakashi whispered and walked forward, few steps than Naruto. Could it be, they already took Shiroi away from Mirai? And Mirai... I couldn't see you, even with this Sharingan. What does that mean? Of all possibilities, don't die yet. Please... There's something... about you that I want to ask...

"Oh... Look at that, Itachi. Your village's people! They're here for someone, eh? None other than that wolf girl." Suddenly, Kisame walked out from the bottom of the waterfall with Itachi. "They've came on time, right after the sealing."

"Kuso!!! Where's Mirai-neechan, huh?!!!" Naruto suddenly shouted, despite Kakashi was stopping him. "What did you guys want to do with her?!"

"Heh... Deidara was right; they really like to shout words out. Man, are you related to each other or something?" Kisame held his Samehada to his front. "Well, since you're asking about her, I'll tell you. After all, like I've said, you guys came on time." Suddenly his Samehada was surrounded by swirling wind. "Fuuton: Samehada Wind Cannon!"

"Huh?! This chakra?!" Kakashi said, as he was hit by Kisame's attack. He took the blow, and he was pushed down into the water below his feet.

"Kakashi-sensei!!!" both Naruto and Sakura shouted, as they saw Kakashi was attacked and drowned. But then he disappeared into smoke in the water.

"Don't worry, that was a clone. Of course, that's Kakashi-san," Itachi said, before he turned into black crows. As he expected, the real Kakashi came down from a tree nearby. "Kisame, don't use it too much. Remember what he said. I won't lend you mine if you're run out of it."

"Okay, okay! I was just testing out the powers," Kisame said, holding out his hand before his Samehada came into his hand. "I never retreat before, but this time I know I have to." Suddenly, he slowly turned into water that disappeared to the sky. "Until we meet again, Kyuubi Jinchuuriki."

"Teme!!!" Naruto screamed, as he dashed towards him. "Where's Mirai-neechan?!!!"

"Naruto! There's no use!" Kakashi stopped him. They watched both the Akatsukis disappeared. "I've never seen he used any Fuuton before. And also... I'm so familiar with the chakra." He looked down at his hands. "That's a bad sign, Naruto."

"No! That's impossible, sensei!" Hurriedly, Naruto ran towards the waterfall and disappeared. He then found himself in a dark, hallway. He continued to run, and then found himself in a big cave. "This place... Just like when Gaara was abducted."

Back outside, the rest of them were after him. "Naruto!" Sakura called him out, as she entered the cave too, followed by the others. They stopped, as they saw Naruto sat on the ground, with someone on his lap. "Naruto..."

"We're too late," he weakly muttered, as they walked towards him and saw lifeless Mirai on Naruto's lap. She was pale, her cheeks were cold, and her lips had turned blue. There was a hole right on her chest. Dry blood trails could be seen flowing out of the hole, soaking her clothes. "Her wrists and ankles showed marks. She was bounded, right? What was the hole for?" He kept on mumbling, so Sakura decided to check the body.

"Naruto, let me examine her," she said, as she put her palms over the hole and used her medical technique. "Huh?" Her expression changed, as if she had found something.

"What is it, Sakura?" Kakashi asked, as he kneeled down next to her. He saw shock in her expression, and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"They are... so cruel!" she cried, with her hands still over Mirai's body. "They... cut open her chakra vessels and... absorbed all her five affinities... by force, even though it was sealed," she explained, as she scanned over Mirai's chest. "Everything in her was mentally injured."

"So that's how... they got those powers. Just like what I've expected," Kakashi mumbled, putting his hand on Mirai's cold forehead. "She must have been under Itachi's genjutsu. The force must have caused her body to receive a dangerous impact, which led to her death."

Sakura scanned over Mirai's abdomen, and stopped as she found something. "It seems like they were trying to get something sealed within her, but she wouldn't let them. Thus they tried with force, damaging her vital organs too. That's why she died-"

"No! She's just sleeping! And... she's cold! Here! I'll warm her up!" Naruto took off his jacket, and put it over the lifeless body. "Nee nee, Mirai-neechan! Wake up now! Let's go home, and to Ichiraku."

"Naruto! There's no use!"

"Neechan! Tell me, tell me why do you want to protect me? That time you said you wanted to tell me the reason!" Naruto cried out, hugging the cold body that wasn't giving him any response at all.

"Naruto! Get hold of yourself!"

"You can't... just leave me like this... You need to tell me why... why did I feel... like you're my real famil-"

"Naruto," Kakashi called out sullenly, patting Naruto's back. "Accept the fate," he paused and glanced over the pale face of someone that he had acknowledged as comrade. "Mirai... has gone."

Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now