Act 2: Once-A-Konoha-ANBU

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"Be honest with me Kakashi,” Tsunade swiftly asked Kakashi. His brow furrowed at the question.

“About what Hokage-sama?” he asked, somehow feeling a bit uneasy.

“You don’t have the White-Wolf Shadow with you right?” That question really made Kakashi shocked. His eye widened, hearing to it. He was totally speechless; he never thought of hearing to it again. It has been a very long time since he saw it, when he was still a kid. “Kakashi?”

“Shiroi… it has been a long time since I have her,” Kakashi finally said, looking down at the floor. “She has been protective to me. She was like my friend. But one day, I didn’t know where it goes.” The room became quieter as there were only the two of them. “I really hope that I can meet her once again, and if I do, I’ll protect her with all my life.” Then he looked back up at Tsunade. “She’s my only family left.”

“Good news for you; the Shadow was seen a few days ago… in this Land,” Tsunade settled, putting her hands on her table. Astonishment and happiness could be seen in Kakashi’s eye upon hearing that. “Informants from Sunagakure told me that they’ve seen the Shadow around the Land of Wind. According to them, it was a White-Wolf. Thinking that it might have any connection with you, they decided to tell it to me.” Tsunade stopped to stand up, and turned around, looking out to Konoha through the windows.

“One of our informants, who are a Hyuuga, had told me about the unusual chakra that he sensed when on his usual patrol duty. He told me that he never sense it before in his entire life. As he went to go on a hide by himself, he saw a girl. She was like in the Demon Fox cloak mode; the difference is just that it resembles the form of the White-Wolf Shadow.”

“No way… There’s no way that it was sealed into someone’s body! Only my dad can do that-”

“Don’t you think he already did that?” Tsunade instantly cut him off. Kakashi stared at her; he could only just freeze after realizing it. “Maybe he thought that the Wolf might be dangerous to the village as he heard about the Kyuubi, so he sealed it into some random child, just to prevent from some bad-intention shinobis to overtake its power.”

Once again, Kakashi was put to silent. He never had thought that his Wolf would be a hazard to Konoha. And he never thought that his Wolf would reappear again, but in someone’s body.

“But Shiroi had never been such a dangerous threat to Konoha! She’s one-and-only Konoha protector-”

“That’s why Kakashi, I’m putting you into this mission. Who knows that you can find her, just before the Akatsuki does? I think they’re after her. Her powers are the same as Naruto’s Kyuubi. Only you could feel her, Kakashi. Only a White Fang successor can be near her. So your special mission is,” she stopped, turning around and walked towards Kakashi. “Find your Shiroi Ookami no Kage, bring her back here and we’ll protect her.”

“Kakashi–sensei!” Naruto called out, instantly waking him up from his thought. He looked around; they were resting under some trees, having a break after patrolling few areas, with his team now surrounding him, looking puzzled.

“O-oh Naruto. What is it?” he asked, awkwardly.

“Kakashi-sensei, you’ve never been like this before. Is there anything bothering you?” Naruto’s question got the attention of the whole team. Kakashi exchanged glances with his team; the other teams had gone to their specific areas. “There must be something about what you’ve talked with Tsunade-obaachan.”

Should I tell them or not? Kakashi thought to himself. But then he sighed.

“Hm… Do you guys ever heard about the Legend of White-Wolf Shadow?” he asked his team.

Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now