Act 26: I Trust You, Sensei

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"Shizune-neechan!" Naruto called out, as he and Kakashi arrived at the Hokage's office. Lying on the floor with the other three wounded ANBUs, Shizune was coughing hardly, as if she was strangled.

"N-Naruto," Shizune began to speak, as Kakashi sat her up. She rubbed her neck, and coughed again. "He got... Mirai..."

"Who got her?"


"Damn it!" Naruto angrily said, through his clenched jaw. "I was right! If only I've realized it earlier! Those men are working under Kagamiko! I've seen those black outfits before!"

"Seiichi had brought Mirai away..." Kakashi muttered to himself, still holding Shizune up. "What's he planning? Where are they now? Do you know?" he asked her, hoping for a positive answer.

"It seems like they have went to the top of the Faces' mountain-" Shizune suddenly coughed heavily, worrying the two shinobis. "You guys should go after her. Don't worry about me. After all, I'm a medic nin."


"So... you're just a bait," Mirai mumbled, as she backed away from Seiichi when she woke up in his arms. "Do you really expect me to fall in love with you again?"

"Who knows, right? Last time, I've affected your emotions easily. You've cried a lot that night," Seiichi sneered. "My dad have always wanted me to kill the last Senkou."

"Oh of course. You're daddy's spoiled brat." Suddenly, Seiichi shot something thin out from his hand into the sky, producing an ear-piercing whistling sound. Mirai quickly closed her ears, falling to her knees. As the sound stopped, she looked up at the prince, and a big group of samurai and shinobis in black were standing behind him. "Not fair."

"What's not fair? They should be enough to capture you this time."

"Don't underestimate me," she chuckled before she started to make a series of hand seals, ending it with a horse seal. "Fuuton: Four Seasons' Dance!" She dashed towards as Seiichi's men started to run towards her too.

Each of them fell to the ground as Mirai past them like wind. Almost half of the men were took down easily by her, and she had almost reached the prince. She was ready to hit Seiichi with her next technique, when suddenly she felt something weird with his stare at her. "Seiichi?"

"Mirai," Seiichi called out, shaking her off of her mind before she saw his evil grin. "You're still the same." Suddenly, a swarm of glass shards flew towards her from the inside of his sleeves.

She swiftly dodged the shards like dancing leaves, but only one piece of it stabbed deeply into her right arm. She winced as she fell down onto the ground, and quickly she pulled it off when Seiichi walked towards her. She threw the glass shard, and it flew past his left cheek, leaving a long cut. She was about to stand when suddenly, "Hidden Glass Art: Glass Prison."

She stumbled back to the ground, or to be precise the curved glass. She looked around, and had found herself in a large glass ball. She tried to stand up, but eventually she lost her balance on the curved surface. "Mirai-neechan!" Suddenly she heard a yell from behind.

"Naruto! Kakashi-sensei!" she cried out, as she saw both of them were running towards her. She turned back at Seiichi, who was staring at her. "What are you tryin-"

"I'm sorry, Mirai. But you're nothing more than a Senkou," Seiichi said, as he kneeled and placed his palm against the glass ball, looking straight at Mirai. "The clan that had betrayed my clan. The clan that had killed my clan!"

"Ridiculous!" Naruto shouted as he stopped moving with Kakashi, keeping a distance from Mirai as a precaution. "She know nothing about your clan-"

"No, you're wrong! You don't know her that much!" He stared down at his glass ball's prisoner. "Her clan killed my grandparents, leaving my dad alone just like that. If she continue to live, she'll keep on spying other clans, causing misunderstandings between clans."

"I'm not like that!" Mirai shouted, punching the glass wall even though she knew that it would just hurt her fist.

"Shut up! Because of Senkou, the Kagamiko clan have to stay hidden, surrounded by mirrors!" Seiichi stood up, and looked down at his hands. "The futures of Kagamiko clan and the Hidden Glass Village both lies in my hands. I want the whole world to acknowledge the existence of Kagamiko, and as the beginning, this girl need to die."

On the other side, Naruto couldn't hold his anger anymore. He suddenly dashed forward that even Kakashi couldn't stop him. "Mirai-neechan!"

"Don't come! Or she'll die in a blink of your eyes." The prince's statement had made Naruto halted his step, with his eyes widened. "If I curl all my fingers in, the ball will shrink, crushing her into a pool of blood."

Mirai stared at Seiichi, with her eyes widened in horror. She had never seen this side of Seiichi before, and she knew that there was something wrong with him. She froze at the moment when his cerulean eyes stared coldly at hers.

Far behind, both Kakashi and Naruto were just standing still, trying to figure out of what they should do to save the girl. "Mirai," Kakashi whispered softly to himself, and as if she had heard it, she turned around.

Her stare first landed on Naruto, before it moved to Kakashi. They stared at each other for a while, before Kakashi revealed his Sharingan eye as he realized that Mirai was waiting for it. She smiled, and had mouthed something.

I trust you.

Mirai turned back at the prince, feeling determined. She steadily stood up, and finally able to balance herself in the ball. "Kill me," she confidently said as she stared at him. "If you really think that my existence would lead to more betrayals in the future, then kill me."

All three of them were taken aback with what she had said. Seiichi looked horrified, and that was the expression that Mirai had been waiting for. She began to provoke him.

"Why? Do it! Move your fingers! You've failed to kill me last time, and this is it. You said that you want me to die by your hands."

"Damn it-" Naruto started to say, as he stepped forward but were stopped by Kakashi's arm.

"Naruto! Don't," he whispered through his mask, eyes still locked on the daring girl.

"But Kakashi-sensei..."

"Believe me. She'll be fine."

Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now