14/10/14: Nana's Quick Announcement!

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Hello! It's Nana here!

First of all, thank you for reading till the Epilogue of my Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow. I really appreciate all the votes and comments you guys had posted, even though my fanfic is not that great and awesome like those that had won and got over-a-million reads and votes.

But I never give up! And I won't! ;) I will keep writing my imaginations to be read by everyone around the world! xD

By the way, I'm here to announce that I've published a short story book, continuation of this fanfic! Its title is 'The Return Of Senkou'. Yup, the plot is obvious by the title. I was facing hard times as I've started to write the short story, that I even had thought that I should cancel it.

But, I knew that I shouldn't give up! So I've decided to just go on with it, and now it's done! But then, I'm afraid if the story is really bad because of my Writers' Block (T_T) So I really need your opinions on that book. PLEASE, NEE!

Enough talk, here's the link--> http://w.tt/1sIzNFR

- Nana

  When I was rewatching the Pain Invasion Arc, I just realized that Kakashi had used wolf or dog-like Raiton jutsu to fight Pain. JUST HOW I IMAGINED SHIROI WOULD LOOK LIKE! it was in episode 159! Yup, i still remembered it xD im being honest here, I really never realize nor remember the fact that Kakashi had used that kind of Raiton jutsu when I was still writing this fanfic!!! Hahahaha im just telling, in case if you guys want to know how Shiroi should look like ^_^

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