Act 27: I'm Taking Him Back!

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"Kill me," Mirai kept provoking Seiichi as he stood still without any reactions. Kakashi kept holding Naruto in from doing something hasty, and waited for Mirai's next action. "What's the matter?"

"Seiichi, do it!" Suddenly a voice commanded him, before a man in blue outfit same as Seiichi suddenly appeared from the thin air behind the prince.

"D-Dad?" Seiichi whispered in terror, as he just realized that his father was there, watching him all the time in a form of thin, invisible mirror.

"Oh. Shoichi. Help your son over here," Mirai continued to provoke, crossing her arms across her chest while wearing a smirk on her face.

"Seiichi! Kill her!" Shoichi shouted, as he walked towards his son.

Seiichi looked at his father, trying to hide his true feelings but the trembling of his hands were visible. "No..." he whispered to himself in trembling voice.

"Come on, Seiichi-kun. I don't like waiting," she kept on, and finally she sat down back on the curved surface.

"What's happening?" Naruto softly asked Kakashi, clearly confused with what he was watching at now. He scratched the back of his head, groaning. "Kakashi-sensei, are you sure it's okay?"

"She's affecting him." Hearing to Kakashi's statement had made Naruto realized it just now. Kakashi looked around and sighed. "There's only two of us here-"

"Hmph. Kakashi-sensei, don't you remember?" Kakashi turned at his student, who was now grinning at him. "We're never outnumbered."

"You've talked too much, and now you can't kill me?" suddenly Mirai shouted, getting both of their attentions back at her. Suddenly, Seiichi curled in his pinky finger and the ball's size had decreased.

"The ball... Its size decreased!"

"Four left... Wait," Mirai paused, as she felt the ball was moving a bit. "I can move this ball?" she chuckled, as she stood herself up again and placed her palms against the glass, beginning to roll it backwards, towards Kakashi and Naruto. "It's... heavy..."

"Hey hey! What are you trying to do?!" Seiichi started to yell. "I'll... move my fing-"

"Do it then!" Suddenly the ball had decreased in size again, a size where Mirai could just bow her head down to stand up in the ball steadily. "Three," she mumbled, before glancing at Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei..."

"Hm. Okay!" Kakashi suddenly said, roaming through his back pouch.

"Hm? What is it, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked curiously. Still roaming through his pouch, Kakashi glanced at the orange shinobi.

"Get ready with your clones."

He pulled out his hand from his pouch, fisting the item he was looking for from his pouch. He looked up, and gave Mirai a nod.

One, two, three! Mirai mouthed, before she closed her eyes.

"Hmph. And you called yourself her lover?" Kakashi suddenly voiced out, getting Seiichi's attention. "You don't know her that much. We do." As Kakashi held out his arms as if he was carrying someone, suddenly Mirai appeared on his arms.

"Mirai-neechan!" Naruto called out in surprise as he saw Mirai had appeared so suddenly on his teacher's arms. "Eh? How did you-"

"There's only three of you!" Shoichi suddenly shouted at the reunited team. Mirai turned at him, followed by Naruto and Kakashi.

"You're being overconfident, Shoichi," Mirai chuckled, putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder with a smirk. "Don't you want to expect anything from the No.1 most surprising ninja?"

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