Act 19: Familiar

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"Ichiraku Ramen, here I come!" Naruto cheerily said, as he entered the shop. "Hm? Who's he?" he mumbled to himself, as he saw an unfamiliar handsome guy, slurping his ramen with his two  samurai-looking friends, each sat next to his both sides.

"Oh Naruto. Welcome!" Teuchi greeted, as Naruto sat down, still looking at the guy next to him. "She's still in hospital?"

Quickly, Naruto turned to the shop owner as he heard the question. "A-Ah... Yeah... Everyday, I always hope Mirai-neechan would wake up now. For almost two weeks, I missed having ramen with her." Without Naruto knowing, the guy next to him had stopped slurping his ramen, as if he wanted to eavesdrop before he continued eating. Still being oblivious, Naruto tapped the table rhythmically with his fingers. "Well then, as usual!"

"Ojisan, one more bowl please!" the same guy suddenly called out, as he put his bowl on a pile of two bowls.

"Hey, that's enough!" said one of his friends who sat next to his left, right next to Naruto.

"Ey, don't stop me Daiki!" the handsome guy said, crossing his arms. "I want more!"

"Sorry to interrupt, but you act like a spoiled brat," Naruto suddenly interrupted because he was annoyed, while still waiting for his ramen, causing Daiki who sat next to his right grabbed his shirt's sleeves.

"Watch your mouth, kid! Know who're you talking to!" he urged, clenching his jaw. "He's the Crown Prince of Kagamiko clan, of Hidden Glass Village!"

"EH?! A prince?! Hm... No wonder you look so posh... and spoiled." Daiki growled angrily, but the handsome prince guy patted his shoulder, and flashed him a smile as he turned around.

"It's okay Daiki," he said, standing up and walked towards Naruto, putting a hand on his head. Surprised, Naruto looked up at him, who was as tall as Kakashi.

"You... reminds me of someone... someone that was once very precious to me five years ago." Naruto was taken aback, and saw sadness in his eyes, before his eyes smiled. "She left me because of my father. Hah... I'm trying to clear my mind by going out. And now I've found this Ramen shop, I'm so happy!"

"Haha! Of course, Ichiraku Ramen is always number One!" Naruto said, putting up a thumbs up at him. "Ah right. I didn't know your name yet."

"Seiichi, Kagamiko Seiichi," he introduced himself, as he held out his hand for a shake with Naruto. "And you?"

"Uzumaki Naruto dattebayo!" Naruto introduced himself, with a wide toothy grin. Seiichi chuckled, and smiled. "No wonder we've never met before. You're from other village."

"Yeah, I'm on my vacation. I came here before with my father, and that was three years ago."

"Eh? Really? But... I didn't see you. Oh, maybe you came right after I departed for my training with Ero-sennin. Oooh! My ramen!" Naruto said, as his ramen has arrived. He pulled out a pair of chopsticks. "Itadakimasu!"

"Daiki, sit there," Seiichi insisted which then Daiki obeyed. "Ojisan, give me the one that I had just now! And don't stop me Daiki." While waiting for his ramen, he decided to ask Naruto. "So... Tell me."


"About this... Mirai...neechan."

"Ah... Why? Have you met her?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I thought I've heard her name before in the village. Is she the," Seiichi paused for a moment, and drew himself closer to Naruto and whispered. "Gochakura of Senkou clan?"

"How did you know that?" Naruto asked, after slurping his ramen. At the same time, Seiichi had his ramen served to him.

"I told you I've heard her name before," he said, starting to munch a halved button mushroom. "Is she in this village?" Naruto was quiet for a while as he stared at the prince. "Oh, don't worry, I got it if you feel suspicious of me. I'm not from here anyway."

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