Iwaizumi X Reader |Broken Rule |

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by Greenwolves on DeviantArt


A/N: Soulmates AU where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist after a random amount of time.

You had been careless.

In your mind, soulmates were something distant and unbelievable, something that could happen, but not before a long time would have passed. Some people never knew the name of person whom they were bound to love.
That's why you were dating Hajime. In a world where you had no freedom of choice about who you loved, where you couldn't even make your own decision about that, you had tried to ignore the rules and you fell in love with someone that was apparently not your destined one.
It worked for a long time, and you dreamed about a life where you never saw a name appearing on your arm.

But you were eventually brought back to reality.


One afternoon, you were helping Tooru out with some biology lessons. He always hated this subject and you were good at it, so you took some of your time to explain some things to him while he returned the favour in maths.

"And here you mustn't forget that the signal passes by the synapse before going back to the muscle right?" You said, pointing the different parts of the diagram.
He pouted, obviously bored.

"Yeah, yeah I get it."

"Oi you're not even looking at the paper." You muttered, your fingers irritatedly taping this damn diagram. "I'm gonna make you eat that."
He squeaked and obligingly concentrated back on the lesson.

You were drinking from the water bottle you had brought when it happened. The bottle almost slipped out of your hands and you clumsily caught it back before the water liquid everywhere. Something was hurting your left arm. You cautiously looked at it ; maybe some sort of insect had bitten you?
However, when you saw some words appearing on your flesh, you stopped breathing.

It happened.

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering you. You had somehow anticipated this moment. No, the worst part was the nature of the words you were reading with a deadpan expression.

First, it was not Hajime's name that had appreared. That wasn't a real surprise though, considering the chances of that happening.

Secondly, it was a name that you wished to never see here.

Oikawa Tooru.

You slowly looked beyond your arm and noticed that your friend was starring at his, frozen as well. You saw "(l/n) (f/n)" engraved where "Oikawa Tooru" was on yours. His eyes were wide in chock.

Then you felt it. The typical pull that everyone felt toward their soulmate. This shot of pure affection for the person whose name was on the wrist.

Your gazes met and he rose a smile that was half happy, half anxious. You couldn't help but to return it.

He knew what that meant too.


You decided to hide the inconvenient words.

As spring was only begining, wearing long sleeves was not a problem and the secret was guarded for more than two months. But too soon the temperature rose and it became really hard to do that everyday. Tooru didn't have this sort of problem since he could wear armbands, pretenting it was for volleyball. But you didn't have many choices.
You could only think about bandages or gaiters which you wrapped around your arm, but you knew it was too obvious to keep the truth from being discovered.

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