color - kuroo tetsurou x reader

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This story is written by whatsausernamereally on DeviantArt


'soulmate au where you live in black and white until you meet your soulmate'

    "It's so beautiful."

  "Describe it to me."


    "Colors. What exactly are they? What do they look like?"

    She stayed silent for a minute and then let out an excited sigh.

    "It's indescribable, really. It's as if I was living in a shell for my whole life and one day, out of no where, the blinding white light in the sky is no longer white, but an incredible yellow-"

    "Yellow..." I sighed, staring up at the grey sky above me. I had heard of the color yellow and how it was a 'happy' color, whatever that means.

    "And the sky, god, it's so blue and beautiful! Blue is such a cold color. If I had to describe blue to you, it would be the feeling you get when you're outside during winter and you get this sudden cool feeling and the cold seems to bite you, that's what blue is."

    My eyes fluttered shut and my brain tried to build a color that was based on a feeling. The fortunate people who saw color lived on a different level of life than I could dream of being on. It was revolved around the heat of red and the cool of blue; their days consisted of the tropical of orange and earth of brown. I constantly craved to visualize these feelings, but I never met the one person who was supposed to bring them to me.

    My best friend had experience her life in color for the first time, but rather than speaking non-stop about the colors, she wouldn't shut up about the person who carried the new perspective of life on their shoulders and welcomed her into his life with open arms. It was terribly romantic, and also seemed just as surreal to me. How can one person complete another's life so drastically?

    "And he's amazing," my best friend continued. She rolled over and rested her head on her hands, staring at me intently as if she had been waiting to bring her soulmate up. "I know you must be thinking 'who cares about that guy when you can see all these colors?' but (Name), you'll understand when you meet yours. I don't even know what it is that makes him so amazing. Maybe it's just the idea that he's my soulmate that makes me adore him so much, but I'm convinced there's more to it than that."

    I let out a hum and continued to stare at the sky, using every creative cell in my brain in attempt to make out the color that the grey abyss truly held.


    I couldn't escape my mind for the rest of the day. The curiosity of guessing the color of different people's hair as they passed by, or wondering what color their shoes were, was far too overwhelming than settling for the black and white that I saw. I wondered how many people who passed by could tell me what color my socks were, or describe the color of my eyes to me in depth. I had been told what my eye color was before, but I wanted to feel it rather than merely hear it.

    Like most days, the subway back home was boring and bland. Living inside my mind seemed to allow me to escape from the plainness of the life I was living, and it was the best solution to the lack of color in my life that I had found so far. I had believed that anything was possible in my mind, but I've only realized recently that there are limits to what you can imagine. If I've never seen a color, how am I supposed to imagine it? The idea of color was an empty meaning in my mind, I knew the names and the feeling that went along with them, but color was always a mystery.

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