Tsukishima Kei X Reader- shock

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by Diamond-Operation on DeviantArt



Tsukishima and reader are 18

warnings: -language

gender neutral pronouns used for reader

when you see '--' it means some time has passed

"this text is english", "italics is japanese" [expect au explanation]



"They say you're connect from birth to your soulmate, no matter where they are in the world.

You are born into a life lacking color, but when you turn 18, you lose all restrictions on you, and you can go find your soulmate.

The only color you can see is the string that is tied around your pinky.

This string is the red string of fate that would eventually lead you to your soulmate."


"Dude, are you serious?"

You gave your friend a blank stare. Where they being for real?

"Yes I'm serious [friend name]. I've planned this since forever. I have enough money to get wherever this string leads me, what's the big deal? I thought you were going to support me in this?" Currently you were packing up your belongings into a small backpack, nothing more.

Recently you've just turned 18, meaning you could go out there and find your soulmate. You only saw red. Ever since you were thirteen you've been saving your money. Your goal was when you turned 18, you were going to make an adventure of finding your soulmate. Some people thought you should just wait for them to come to you, but you weren't like that.

There was talk up until your birthday that you could have no soulmate, that they could have already died and you would have to wait for a new one. You ignored them all. Something just always told you that they were wrong, that your soulmate was out there.

"I'm not saying I don't support you [Name]," They sighed, "I just don't want you to get hurt. They are stories of people traveling half way across the world to find their soulmate, for them to be rejected by their said soulmate."

"Well, I don't believe in that." You muttered, zipping up your bag and slinging it on your back, "I'm going to find them, and I'm going to live happily every after when whoever they may be. I just know it." You gave them a tight hug, "Thank you for worrying about me, but I can manage. I'll text and call you, so it will be ok." You added, holding them at arms-length.

"I know you'll be ok, just let me worry about you. Who else is going to?" You laughed softly at their words.

"You're right, I'm sorry." You gave them a peck on their cheek, letting go of them, "Don't forget me?"

"'Course not. I love you [Name], we're going to be best friends forever, so don't forget me either."

"How could I forget my best friend? I'd die before that happens, I love you too."

And you left.

Time to find your one true love.


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