The Reason To Live (Sugawara Koushi X Reader)

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by AngelDemon678 on DeviantArt


Soulmate AU where you can see in colour after you meet your soulmate, and loose that ability if you loose them.


  The first thing you heard when you came to was a frantic voice right outside your shattered window. You wiped blood out of your (E/C) orbs, idly wondering where it was coming from before realising it was coming from you.

  Then you looked around. Oh, Koushi's going to kill me for totalling his car. You thought, looking detachedly at the piece of metal impaling your stomach and glass pieces sticking out of your limbs.

  "There is at least thirteen cars in this pileup, just hurry!" The voice outside said, and you coughed wetly. The voice stopped for a minute and the woman dropped down next to you. "Oh God, someone's alive and they're really bloody, oh my God-"

  She was cut off, and you coughed some more, more blood smearing everything. "Okay. Just hurry!" She peered in, looking about to be sick. "Hello, my name's Gou."

  "Hello Gou-san." You managed, smiling softly. "My name's (F/N) (L/N)." Your heart was pounding, and pain was beginning to blossom.

  "Please don't move, (F/N), the authorities will be here soon, oh God..."

  "It's okay." You said, licking your lips and instinctively wincing at the taste of blood. "Do you know what happened Gou-san?"

  "A drunk driver, he didn't break and rammed into your car and others followed, I called 119 as soon as I could, I'm so sorry-"

  "Gou-san, it's alright. Were you hurt?"

  "No! Not at all, oh my God, you're worrying about me at this time! Do you want to call anyone on my phone? I can call them if you want."

  "Oh, can you please?" You asked. "The number is 0245-179202." Gou typed it into her phone with shaking fingers, and you gripped it tightly when she handed it to you.

  It hardly rang before Koushi answered it. "Hello?"

  "Hello Koushi." You said kindly. "I don't think I'll be able to make our date tonight."

  "Oh." He sounded disappointed, and you winced as you coughed a little bit. "Did something happen at work?"

  "No, I'm just caught up in something." You responded, smiling wryly at yourself. That faint wail of sirens were coming closer, and Koushi's voice took on a new edge.

  "(F/N), are you alright?"

  "I'm fine, Koushi. You should get back to practice."

  "I hear sirens. What's going on?"

  "It's nothing. They're just passing us." You answered, feeling the erratic pounding of your heart in your ears. "I'm fine."

  "What's wrong?" His voice sounded insistent, urgent, like he could see that there was something wrong. "Why didn't you call on your phone? (F/N), what's going on?"

  "I left my phone charging at work." You answered truthfully. "I'm just borrowing a friend's to call you."

  "Is that the reason you can't make it?" Dammit, you could never lie to him, even over the phone.

  "That's not the reason." The wails of sirens were coming closer, but your breathing was slower and more laboured. Gou was next to you, telling you to keep breathing, trying to stop the steady flow of blood coming from your numerous wounds.

  "There's something really wrong, where are you?"

  "Koushi!" You exclaimed, coughing up more blood as your voice rose. "I'm so sorry Gou-san. There's blood on your phone now."

  "Blood?" Koushi's voice sounded even more frantic, and you could hear Daichi on the other end trying to calm him. You, on her part, hastened to reassure you it was okay.

  "Listen to me, please. Koushi, this will seem extremely confusing for a while. Eventually, all the pieces will fall into place, but until then, laugh at the confusion please, don't loose your lovely smile, and live for the present."

  You took another deep breath and began to speak again. "Just know everything happens for a reason. And know, please know, when we were third years in middle school, know you were my reason to live even when I didn't want to. You saved me."

  "(F/N), what are you talking about?"

  "Sugawara Koushi, I love you with all my heart." You said, hearing the static.

  "I love you too, so much, now tell me-" You hung up the phone and smiled sadly at Gou as you struggled for your breath.

  "Thank you." You smiled, tears pooling in your now glassy eyes and cutting clean rivulets into the blood on your face.

  Then you closed your eyes and became still.

  About two miles away, the world changed from colour to black and white for Sugawara Koushi.

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