Doodles and sketches - Ushijima Wakatoshi /1/

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This story is written by stygianrhapsody on DeviantArt


soulmate!au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's as well, but proper nouns cannot be seen.

Ushijima Wakatoshi, the supreme ace of Shiratorizawa, whose team was always selected to be the Miyagi Prefecture's team to enter the coveted nationals of volleyball in Japan, who had a spike that almost nobody could return due to its brute power and sheer intensity, who had a mob of fangirls always nearby and writing things on their skin to see if it matched with his (it never did) is bored.

He's in math – his 2nd class of the day – and the teacher droned on about cosine and tangent and some other math-related things he tried paying attention to, but ultimately, could not. He glanced at Semi, who jolted awake with a screech of his chair, and looked around, hoping no one saw him. Ushijima was about to fall asleep, his notebook looked just like a pillow -

All of a sudden, a swirl of colored lines formed on his left arm, like a superhero/heroine coming in to save the day, and he couldn't help but smile. Ushijima always looked to you to keep him entertained throughout the droning hours of school, before volleyball practice. When he did arrive at practice, the team would always rush over to him, and Ushijima would show off his doodle-covered arms with a small sense of pride. Tendou seemed to be the most interested, each day he took a picture of his arms oohing in awe.

Today was no different. The viridian lines looked like vines hanging off from jungle trees, complete with little leaves flying in all directions, and formed the words "volleyball practice after school."

He looked at his arm in disbelief.

You were going to a volleyball practice? You never did, and you wrote everything you had to complete – Ushijima's right arm was normally a schedule during the weekends (he wondered if you were ambidextrous) and a busy one it was. Homework, coffee shop, library, art store, antique shop, one time "unwilling shopping spree w/friends" appeared, and he wondered how that turned out.

Throughout the whole day, Ushijima's anticipating the volleyball practice, although, a nagging thought in his mind told him you could be at Karasuno, or Aoba Johsai, or even in another country.

After an exhausting fourth period, he makes his way towards the gymnasium, not caring particularly for the fangirls in his path who were shrieking and holding little stuffed animals and flowers, all disappointed that Ushijima didn't stop for them. He arrives at the gym, the two nets already being pulled up by the team. Players are warming up their attacks and serves. Ushijima starts to stretch on the shiny, wooden floor with his teammates.

10 minutes later, Tendou glances at the metal double doors, and an expression of delight appears on his face. He sprinted towards the door with a bright grin, and greets the girl standing there, her hair covering most of her face. She carried a leather messenger bag at her side. Her left arm was covered in a large doodle, but her right arm is devoid of markings, just like his. Tendou ushers her to the bleachers (well, it was more like half-pushing her there) and she sat down, pulling out a camera, sketchbook, and a pencil case from her bag.

"Yosh, let's get this started!" Tendou said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"You're energetic today," Ushijima blurted out bluntly. Tendou just gave him a mischievous smirk.
Practice was like normal, save for the occasional click of the shutter from the girl's shutter, however, Ushijima's mind kept wandering to the girl on the bleachers. Why did Tendou bring her? Or did she come on her own? Or – was Tendou her soulmate?

He tried to look casual glancing at Tendou's arms, and a strange wave of relief washed over him as Tendou's arms were bare.

"Waka-kun, you like these biceps?" A very rude voice interrupts his thoughts.

Ushijima paid no attention to the comment, and spikes the ball Semi's set. He uses just a little more force then usual, and it narrowly misses the girl as it slams right next to her. She looks up from her sketchbook in alarm. Her eyes looked directly at Ushijima and a shiver of electricity shot down through his arms, but she quickly broke away the stare.

"Hey, Wakatoshi!" Semi called out during their break, with a water bottle in hand, jogging over to the ace. "What do you think of the girl on the bleachers?"

"She seems average to me," Ushijima replied, taking a large gulp from his water bottle. "Why?"

"I think she's kinda cute..." Semi whispered, glancing at the girl.

A strange sense of protectiveness formed inside of him. But why? He didn't even know what her name was.

"You're not her soulmate. You have no markings on your left arm, yet hers is covered," Ushijima stated harshly.

Semi's eyes suddenly lit up with a harsh fire, but it quickly died down, and he looked disappointed. "As usual, you're right, O Wise One," he muttered.

Ushijima looked to the bleachers, seeing the spiky redhead conversing with her. Tendou said something that made her cheeks tint a light pink. A strange feeling washed over him yet again – what was with these feelings today? – he thought she looked cute. The way her head tilted back slightly when laughter escaped her lips, and how her hair flew back from her face.

The harsh shrill of the whistle intruded his daydream. The team went back to practice, and Ushijima's mind focused on only one thing. He just wanted her to notice his spikes, more importantly, him, so he spiked the hard with such force he felt like his arms were going to snap off. His mindset was like him in the Nationals match; focused, calm, with intense concentration. She was like the opposing team, he wanted to show her he was the best, even though he knew absolutely nothing about her.

But she never looked at him again.

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