Golden - Tsukishima Kei X Reader

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by eriniguess on DeviantArt


Golden | Soulmate AU | Tsukishima Kei X Reader


Soulmate AU where you can only see your soulmates eye color. Everybody's eyes besides your soulmates appear grey to you. It is very likely to go your whole life without finding your soulmate.


After looking at the clock for the 15th time in the last 20 minutes, you inwardly groan, laying your head on your desk. The last class of the day always seemed long to you, but today especially it seemed to be slowly dragging on.

It didn't help that you weren't having the best day. You woke up late that morning and had to rush to get ready to catch your train in time. Then you bombed a test and embarrassed yourself during a presentation. At lunch you spilled milk all over your shirt, and to top that all off you had what you swore was the worst headache known to mankind.

You really just wanted to go home, but unfortunately you had to stay after school to do research for a project that was worth 40% of your grade.  Just thinking about the hours you'd have to spend in the library sounded like torture.

The only good thing about the whole thing was that you would get to walk home with your childhood friend Yachi. You used to walk home with Yachi everyday, since you lived by each other. But ever since she joined your school's boy's volleyball team as a manager, you didn't get to see her as often.

Right as you were sure your head was going to explode if you had to listen to your teacher say one more thing about finding the hidden meanings in novels, the final bell rang. You quickly grabbed your stuff and headed for the library. On your way, you noticed all the couples in the hallway. You could tell most of them were soulmates from the way they stared into each other's eyes. It made you somewhat sick to your stomach. It all seemed so silly to you, having one person destined for you. If you fell in love with someone, you didn't care if you could see their eye color or not, all that would matter is that you loved them, right? What's so great about someone's eye color anyways?

Knowing you wouldn't get anything done if you kept thinking about this, you shake off the thoughts and settle into your usual chair in the library, preparing yourself for the hours of work you had to do.

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~Small time skip~

After a few hours of having your nose in a book, you glance at the clock on the wall.

"Crap! I was supposed to meet Yachi 10 minutes ago!" You quickly grab all your stuff and rush towards the gym, hoping she hadn't been waiting too long.

You quickly arrived at the gym and yank the door open, only to run smack into someone and fall to the ground.

"Ow..." you moan, rubbing where the person's chin had collided with your forehead. This surely didn't help your headache. "Geesh, watch where your going idiot" you hear a boy say. "I could say the same to you" you reply, angrily looking up towards who you ran into. Staring down at you was a tall, blonde-haired boy with glasses. You might even have thought he was cute, if he didn't look like he wanted to murder you. You were about to continue your verbal assault when you notice the shocked expression forming on the boys face. You were about to question what made him so speechless when you quickly realize why he was so shocked. Staring down at you was the most gorgeous pair of golden eyes you had ever seen. Actually, it was the ONLY pair of golden eyes you'd ever seen, or of colored eyes in general.

"Wow..." you mumble. "Yeah..." he said. Shaking off your shock, you stand up and brush yourself off. "Hi" you say, "My names (l/n)(f/n). You must be my soulmate." He smirked back at you, "Tsukishima Kei. " he replied.

"No fair, why does Tsukishima get the pretty soulmate" you hear someone whine in the back, but you were too focused on the gorgeous eyes in front of you to question who said it. You had to admit, those golden eyes were the most beautiful things you had ever seen.


"Tsukki, you should probably apologize."

"Shut up Yamaguchi"

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