Bruises- 1/2 - Nishinoya Yuu x reader

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This story is written by ketsamachan on DeviantArt


au where the little bruises and cuts that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are actually little injuries that happened to your soulmate and you get the same marks on your skin as them


"Is my soulmate a freaking idiot?" You wondered, rubbing ice on the mark on your arm. The school nurse chuckled softly, watching you send a longing glance to your school bag sitting by your side. Being in a bad mood, you just wanted to leave already.

It happened again, and you felt the burn of the black and blue as proof. It'd steadily been happening more successively ever since middle school; the bruises had been getting bigger and darker, and there were new ones nearly every day. Your parents and friends were ecstatic, saying that it'd make it all the easier to find your intended, but you honestly weren't feeling the hype.

"Maybe he's a masochist." You seriously pondered over the possibility for a while, the expression on your face falling with deep irritation. You weren't into S&M.

"He's just probably into sports." The nurse inferred, preparing another ice pack for short-notice. You didn't live too close to the school, and based upon experience, you knew that you needed to be prepared for surprise bruises during your walk home. Tch.

"What sport requires you to throw yourself violently onto the floor." You glowered, remembering the first time you brushed against a desk and suddenly cringed before lifting your shirt and seeing a freakishly huge blue splotch decorating your stomach. Everyone else seemed to either get their soulmate-induced bruises rarely, or to have them conveniently small every time; yours, however, were both frequent and large.

The nurse smiles, "Football?" She offered, handing you the ice pack. She'd become an acquaintance of sorts to you, seeing as you were in her office more often than not during every single lunch period.

You snorted loudly, "He should quit, then. He isn't any good if he gets tackled this much."

It wasn't fair that you had to tend to his wounds like this. He didn't even seem to care! You'd once left it alone for a while to see if it would fade in a day or so due to his own ministrations, but no, he literally left it for you. It was like he wanted the bruises.

Every school day you'd get a new bruise in the morning, during lunch, or after school. There was a period that it didn't happen so much, though, in which you worriedly wondered if your soulmate had died or gotten injured, but he dutifully began with the aggressive bruising once more.

"You should be fine now. Ice any other bruises once you get home." The Nurse advised, "See you tomorrow."

You sighed softly, grabbing your bag and trashing the ice pack on your way out—it'd fully melted anyway.

"See you tomorrow."

Your eyes redirected themselves to the ground and you trudged on, wishing it were a lie. You knew better than to hope for it by now, though. It was your second year in Karasuno and nothing has changed. You once considered the possibility that maybe he wasn't a high school-er, too; maybe he was younger than you; maybe he was a clumsy child at this point in his life and although the possibility made you gag, maybe—

"Watch out!"

"Huh?" As you turned a corner, you barely had time to look up before you were crashed into by someone else and the both of you were sent rolling for some feet, before coming to a rough stop against the wall. "Ow!" You heard him shout as his head slammed into the wall behind you. Once your gaze was focused, you irritably shifted it to the boy laying on you.

"Why the heck were you running in the halls!?"

While the boy who was on top of you suddenly groaned and rolled off, clutching his face, you furrowed your brows and then winced in pain.

"..How am I hurt?" You mumbled placing a hand on your brow lightly. You didn't hit your forehead did you? If you did then you would've felt a pain in your head, but all your felt was the stinging sensation of this unfounded bruise. Again?

The guy next to you adjusted himself into a sitting position, and from the corner of your eye you saw him looking at you, "Sorry, but I'm gonna be late for volleyball practice. I'll make it up to you later." Without a second glace, he dashed off, leaving you to squint in confusion. It took you some recollection, since he'd left so quickly and his hair drew so much attention away from it, but you could've sworn you'd seen a deep red mark on his forehead, partially covered by sole tan lock of hair hanging over it.

'And he plays sports, too...'

Without a second thought you rushed after him, heading to the gym.

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