Sayonara [Sugawara Koushi x Reader ]

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by Casaline on DeviantArt


Soulmate!AU: the first words your soulmate says to you are inked on your wrist.

The sky was clouded with mist as he walked briskly across the sidewalk, weaving in and out of the crowd. Sugawara frowned as he rubbed his wrist anxiously, a habit he had picked up ever since he learned the meaning of soulmates.


The bubbly words were too cheerful and bright for such a depressing sentence. What type of soulmate says goodbye to someone the second they meet? He really hated the ink. He didn't know where the inexplicable hatred came from. The words were so foreboding and ominous that even he, Mr. Refreshing, couldn't stay relaxed after seeing them.

A rough jostle brought him back to Earth. Someone had rudely shoved him out of the way while he was busy spacing out. Sugawara stopped suddenly in his footsteps when he realized that something seemed a bit off. People all around him had ceased to move, as if suspended in time. But he had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't paid much attention towards his surroundings.

"Th-that girl," a woman's trembling voice broke through the silence "She's... she's b-bleeding!"

Sugawara tensed.


Chaos erupted in all directions.


"Is there a doctor here? Anyone?"

Before he had realized what was happening, Sugawara had been carried along in the flow of the crowd, and was pushed to the very front.

And then he saw.

A girl was sitting against a lamppost, she seemed fine at first glance before he saw the sickening crimson ooze from her stomach.

He remembered the rough shove he had received from a frantic passerby.

She was stabbed just moments ago.

Was she still alive?

Then suddenly the girl tilted her head and stared straight at him.

Help Me.

Her eyes bored into him searching his mind.

I don't want to die

Sugawara didn't know why, heck he didn't even know how, but his legs had moved on their own as he hurried to her side.

Maybe it was instinct or hallucination, but the tug he felt, the flimsy connection between them...

It felt real.

He clutched her hand, paying no attention the the red stains that seeped and spread like snowflakes onto his shirt cuff.

"H-Hang in there! You'll be fine!" his voice wavered and cracked.

Her hand fluttered in his own, like a butterfly. Tears bubbled at her eyes and trailed down her pale cheeks.

At first Sugawara thought it was from the pain. But then he saw her wrist.

H-Hang in there! You'll be fine!

His words. Words that he had said just seconds ago.

He thought of his own soulmate tattoo and dreaded what would happen next.

"No!" He raised his voice but choked on his own words.

"Please. Not yet..."

The girl bit her lip.

But to Sugawara she wasn't just any girl.

She was you.

You were the one he had been waiting for all his life.

You were the one he had thought about daily.

You were the one bound to him by fate.

You were the one.

Your face contorted in agony, both mental and physical.

Slowly you opened your mouth strained with effort.


The words were spoken so painfully steady but quiet, like the twinkling of wind chimes.

Sugawara couldn't help himself, his eyes stung from tears.

You opened your mouth to speak again but nothing came out.

"Don't talk, stay still, the ambulances are coming. Just wait!"

Silently your lips moved and faint words escaped, barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry"

Ambulances shrieked in the background, their earsplitting wail getting nearer and nearer.

But your hand went still.

Medics rushed to your side, pulling Sugawara away from you. They fussed over your body before lifting you up on a stretcher and carrying you away, telling the crowd that they'd 'try their best' but he knew. He knew.

You were gone.

His hand was still smeared with your warm blood as he clutched his chest painting his white shirt with agonized smears of regret. The mere seconds he had gotten to hold your hand, were seconds that he would never be able to forget. A dull ache echoed in his heart and he felt a strange emptiness, an indescribable pain.

The pain of losing you before he even had a chance to meet you.



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