Daichi x Reader - Mystery

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This story is written by guppief on DeviantArt


Soulmate AU where you have matching tattoos

You were excited, your first day in high school had just ended and you were heading to volleyball practice. Not as a player, but as a manager, you had played volleyball in middle school but a severe knee injury had left you unable to play and you were sentenced to spend the rest of your life on the sidelines of the court. It didn't bother you a lot though, as long as you got to watch the game you were content. This morning you had signed up to become a manager for the Karasuno male volleyball team together with one of your classmates, Shimizu Kiyoko.

You were now standing in front of all the members and the coach, with your head bowed and introducing yourself.

"I'm [L/n] [F/n] and I'll be supporting the team as a manager, nice to meet you!"

After your introduction you lifted your head again and at the sight before you, you sucked in a breath of air.

There, among the line of first-year members was one of your classmates, Sawamura Daichi. Seeing him here hadn't surprised you, during lunch break you overheard him animatedly talking about wanting to join the volleyball team so you were expecting to see him here. But what you hadn't been expecting and what shocked you, was his tattoo, his soulmate tattoo, located on his right thigh. It was only visible now that the was wearing shorts, it was a black crow and it was larger than most soulmate tattoo's, but still, it was impossible for you to not recognize it.

The tattoo you saw on Daichi's thigh - the black crow tattoo -  was the same as the one that you had seen so many time in mirrors, the same as the tattoo on your lower back.

Kiyoko, who was standing next to you, seemed to have noticed your sudden intake of air and looked at you.

"[F/n] are you okay?" she asked in a soft voice and her words brought you back and you blinked a few times.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine" you half-lied.

Honestly you weren't "fine", you had just found out who your soulmate was and you had no idea what to do next. Nobody in the gymnasium, nobody in the school even, had seen your tattoo, so nobody besides you would know, right? Should you walk over to him now and tell him that you were his soulmate? Or should you wait until after practice? Should you even really tell him now, shouldn't you wait until you at least got to know him a little better? You fretted over the matter during the entirety of practice, and in the end you decided you would wait to tell Sawamura Daichi you were his soulmate until after you got to know him better.

It had been more than two years since that day and you had become close friends with all the current third-years in the volleyball team. You had grown especially close to Daichi, you had quickly bonded over your mutual love for volleyball, and you got to know him much better and he became your best friend. You came to know how much he cared for his friends and teammates, and how sweet and understanding he was. You could always come to him for any kind of problem and he would always listen to what you had to say and try to help you to the best of his abilities. But there were two things you could never bring yourself to tell him.

At some point you had to admit to yourself that you were in love with Daichi. It happened after class one day during your second year, you were waiting outside the classroom for Daichi to walk out, as students stopped pouring out from the classroom you looked inside to see a girl standing in front of Daichi, they didn't seem to notice you standing there. From where you were standing you could clearly hear what they were saying and it became clear to you that the girl was confessing to Daichi. A sense of jealousy and fear washed over you. The girl standing in front of Daichi was really pretty, what if he was going to accept her confession? To your relief, Daichi nicely let the girl down. But the feeling of possibly losing Daichi to another girl that you had just felt made you realize something. You realized you loved Daichi as more than just a best friend.

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