Kageyama x Reader || liar liar

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by XIIILNT on DeviantArt


Soulmate!AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are engraved/tattooed on your forearm.

Warning: Contains cursewords and major feels

Happy reading~

You, [L/N] [F/N], have always had your eyes on 'The King of The Court', the incredibly annoying, selfish, but oh so handsome male, Kageyama Tobio. You had almost every day watched him and the Karasuno volleyball team practice. Hinata would each day ask you the reason for you being there, but you just brushed his question away and said that you didn't have anything else to do the rest of the day. You always sat on the same bench as Kiyoko, watching the boys play. You had actually never spoken with Kageyama before, because of your fear of completely making a fool of yourself in front of your crush. But, surprisingly enough, you knew eachothers name.

You couldn't even remember how you actually got to like him so much. It was really a mystery.

As per usual, you made your way towards the gym, to watch Kageyama (and the other boys) practice for an upcoming friendly match with a nearby school. The team had been practicing until quite late the last days, and you had started to worry about their health. You didn't say anything about your worries to them, but you had mentioned it quite a few times to Kiyoko-senpai.

As you got to the gym, you noticed that the team weren't playing volleyball as usual. As you stepped you way in to the gym, you held your hand against one of the large doors. The door made a rather loud screeching noice, and all heads whipped towards your direction. You just stood there, wondering what all of this was about. The boys each let out a rather loud sigh.

Kageyama hadn't showed up for practice, and the team was worrying, because he was never late. He hadn't sent a message or left note mentioning his absence. You wondered what he was up to.

'How could he be late for practice? He never is..' you said to yourself.

You slowly made your way towards the bench where Kiyoko-senpai was sitting, and sat down towards a Kiyoko who was rather busy with her phone, trying to contact Kageyama in any way possible.

You looked down on you wrist.

'Don't cry, you're much prettier when you smile!' was written beautifully down from your wrist to your elbow. It was a rather large font and people have asked you why the letters where that big (since it reached all the way from your palm to your elbow), but you just shrugged it of and said that it didn't matter. The words made your heart flutter, and you couldn't wait to meet your soulmate.

'He must be such a sweetheart!' you thought as a small blush formed itself on your cheeks.

A sudden voice made you look up from your arm as you quickly covered it up with the sleeves of your long sweater.


It was Tsukishima, Karasuno volleyball team's 'Middle blocker'.

"Yes, Tsukki-kun?"

"Have you seen or heard anything from Kageyama? He hasnt showed up for practice yet. He's almost an hour late now. If he doesn't show up, we have to cancel the practice."

Your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Why would you ask me? I have never even spoken to him..." you trailed of.

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