Doodles and sketches - Ushijima Wakatoshi /2/

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This story is written by stygianrhapsody on DeviantArt


soulmate!au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's as well, but proper nouns cannot be seen.

Each day, he learns something new about the girl on the bleachers. Right now, he knew her name was [f/n], (for some reason Tendou never said her last name) who came to practice to draw the team for an art project - something about figures in motion - and knows Tendou well, even though she's not his soulmate. When she arrives, Tendou's the first to greet her with a bright smile and show her something on his phone, and she always gives Tendou a quick pat on the back before sitting on the bleachers.

There were even a couple of times that made him lose focus.

For example, one time just right before break ended, Tendou gave her a giant bear hug, which she returned with a sheepish look. His fists clenched up, and when Shirabu set a perfect toss to him, he happened to glance in her direction, and then -

"Woah, Ushijima-senpai! What happened?" Shirabu asked, as the whole team stared at Ushijima with a look of shock on their faces. The ball slowly bounced on the ground right next to him.

His eyes met hers, and that same electrical jolt from before ran down his spine, causing him to shiver.
"Sorry, Shirabu. I got distracted," he stated plainly, prying his gaze away from her. "My apologies."

On the outside, he seemed apathetic to the situation, but on the inside, his heart was flaming with embarrassment and shame. How could he miss a spike because of eye contact? It sounded so silly to him. He made sure to not miss a spike again.

"Wakatoshi-kun, do you like that girl?" Semi blurted out, to Ushijima's extreme annoyance.

"No," Ushijima replied candidly. But something told him that wasn't true, even though he knew nothing about her.

Right when practice ended, Ushijima jogged over to where the girl was sitting. He tried catching her after he changed before, but she left the gym quite early.

"Can I see your sketchbook?" he inquired, his heart almost leaping out from his chest from nervousness.

"Um... sorry, I can't..." she mumbled, clearly embarrassed. "I don't like showing people my art, it's bad."

"You show Tendou each time you come here."

Her cheeks were a couple of shades away from a tomato. "Tendou's... special," she said, packing up her things.

"Oh. I see." Ushijima walks away from her without another word and exits the gym.


November rolls around, and Ushijima spoke to the girl a total of 3 times. The conversations were all short, something he was terribly ashamed of.

Tendou leaps into practice like a gazelle, wearing the brightest expression Ushijima's ever seen on his face. "I found my soulmate!" he whoops/
Please, not [f/n], I don't care who it is if it isn't her, just not her.

"Is it the girl on the bleachers?" Semi asks, his eyes wide.

"WHAT? No!" Tendou bursts out in indignation. "Why would it be her? Her name's..."

Ushijima didn't hear the name, but he lets out a huge sigh of relief inside him. He didn't have to worry about Tendou being [f/n]'s soulmate. Perhaps they were just close friends? A heavy burden lifted from his shoulders, yet -

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