Tsukishima x Reader - Suavium

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This story is written by cappie-tan on DeviantArt


AU where the scars on your body only go away after your soulmate kisses them.

He looked at the marks on your arms with a particularly fresh amount of loathing. They were multiplying. He wasn't sure what you problem was; no one bullied you at school, no one treated you badly at home, and aside from the stresses of school that everyone faced, he wasn't sure what your issue could possibly be.

And so Tsukishima Kei remained silent, observing those little cuts littering your otherwise perfect skin with a sharper glare than usual. Your sleeves were pulled up over them in the next second, realizing someone was watching you. Your (e/c) eyes focused on his, and for a second he forgot what it meant to breathe. Not that he'd ever tell you; the girl who already had a boyfriend, who she claimed was her soulmate, and claimed he was able to make the scars go away.

Kei thought it was a load.

"Is there a problem, Tsukki?" You asked him sweetly, without the slightest hint of scorn or discomfort. You must be used to his glares by now; they came around to assault you every other day. Kei clicked his tongue, looking back to the lunch he was supposed to be eating.

"Not at all. Unless you've been giving yourself a fresh bout of cuts every night." He murmured. You tensed beside him. The smile didn't fade.

"Don't be ridiculous! I haven't done anything like that for months." You say. It's the same response you always gave, and he was fairly tired of it. He knew what would come next. "Sometimes, scars just take a while to heal after they've been kissed. But trust me, they've been kissed plenty of times."

You giggled to yourself. Tsukishima heard the strain. He rolled his eyes. Throwing up was partially considered.

"A while isn't four months, stupid. A while is a week, maybe two. That or your soulmate's a piece of garbage." Kei muttered. You pursed your lips, setting your pencil down.

"I know you don't like him, Tsukki. You remind me every day. But that doesn't change the way I feel about him, you know?"

"It should." He grumbled to himself, dismissing you with a 'hmph' and slipping the headphones over his ears. Tsukishima Kei was not happy about your situation, not in the slightest. And something told him that maybe, just maybe, you were wrong about it. You smiled at him sadly, knowing he meant well.

"I appreciate the concern, Tsukki. But I'm perfectly fine with him." You assured him, standing from your seat. "I've gotta get back to class now, okay?"

"Sure. Don't forget your pencil." He told you, knowing your tendency to leave behind your belongings was always a problem. His locker had quite a few things of yours inside, waiting for the day you realized they were missing. But if you were as oblivious to the bad soulmate as you were with everything else, he had a feeling you wouldn't notice for a long time.

"Thanks, Tsukishima." You grinned bashfully, "You're always so good about keeping me in check!"


Sooner or later, he'd get it through that thick head of yours that your little boyfriend wasn't your soulmate. Anyone who couldn't kiss your pain away wasn't worth the trouble.

Of course, that meant he wasn't worth her time, either. ...As far as you knew.


It was raining outside, the next day. Tsukishima found himself staring out the window, ignoring Yamaguchi's idle chatter about how perfect he and Yachi were together, or something. He was more concerned with the fact that you weren't in your usual seat. In fact, you hadn't even shown up to school. Kei would be lying if he said he wasn't worried, but who was he to be concerned about your wellbeing? Certainly not your soulmate.

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