Talent - Kageyama

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by SuuCelestiaDensen on DeviantArt


~Kageyama Tobio X Reader~

Soulmate AU where you share the same talent as your soulmate.

You wanted to curse your soulmate.

You didn't know who they were or what school they went to or what their interests were; all you knew was that they were really damn good at volleyball.

You never had to try to be good at volleyball.


Because you never liked the sport. You never thought to yourself, even in gym class, "Hey, I want to play some volleyball."

But on the first day your first year of high school, you decided it'd be fun if you just randomly served a volleyball with your friends.

With your mocking tone, you said to them, "Hey guys, look, I'm a pro!"

And at that moment, you made the most terrifying jump serve in existence.

"Guess you really are a pro, [Name]!" Your closest friend exclaimed as they poked their head out from behind a ball cart. "You should join the volleyball team."

Word quickly got around among your circle of friends (and acquaintances), and they all soon hammered you into joining your school's volleyball team.

Because of one stinking jump serve.

You found yourself to be really good at spiking and serving- and especially tossing.

So when your team found this out, you were practically shoved into the starting position for setter.

You didn't even know what setters really did.

You knew jack shit about the sport. And yet, your body moved instinctively in games and practices like you knew the rules like the back of your hand.

And you hated every second.

You wanted to do something else with your time, like join the music club, art club, drama club, even the photography club would have sufficed.

Sure, your singing was absolute shit, you couldn't play an instrument to save your life, all you could draw were stick figures (and even then they sucked), and every single picture you would take was blurry in some aspect, but all of this was SO MUCH BETTER than kicking ass at volleyball, because every time you played, you felt like ass. And you felt like an ass for taking a starter position from someone who actually liked playing.

But every time you even mentioned quitting the club, your senpai would loom over you, threateningly and offering double-edged swords of compliments.

Yeah thanks guys, I know I'm fan-fucking-tastic at volleyball and shouldn't quit but omg it's not me it's my soulmate why don't you get them because it seems like they're actually into it

That was what you wanted to get out and tell them, but they wouldn't let you. That, and you'd be disrespectful to your senpai, who would then kick your ungrateful ass.

So yeah, whoever your soulmate was... They could just go suck an egg and choke on it and die because they started your misery for actually being good at a sport they actually liked.

Okay, you couldn't actually blame them for being into a sport since it was your fault for joking around in the first place, but you wished your soulmate did something else.

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