Why? [Tsukishima Kei]

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This story is written by Kit12323 on DeviantArt


Tsukishima Kei x Reader

Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a tattoo on the inside of their wrist of their dominant hand. Only two of the same tattoos exist in the world. The identical tattoos mean that the two people are soulmates. People can go through their lives without ever meeting their soulmate.


"You're a jerk!" you shouted. The blond paused in his walking. "You're suppose to be my soulmate, but you're a complete and utter asshole! I rather not have a soulmate at all!"

He turned to face you. His dark eyes staring you down. "Then stop bothering me. I rather not have a soulmate who keeps nagging me to do stuff with her."

Then he left.

All your life you wondered why a soulmate was chosen for you at birth. The idea of not being able to choose who you wanted to be your soulmate always confused you. Your parents tried to tell you that finding your soulmate would be the best thing in the world. Meeting them would cause you to feel complete.

Yet, you still questioned the idea. The first quarter moon tattoo was always a constant reminder that someone out there had the same one as you. You wondered if your soulmate was like you in attitude. Or would they be the exact opposite?

You were headstrong in what you believed in, but you knew when to back down. Your parents raised you to be polite, but sometimes those teachings would go out the window. Your friends often looked toward you for an ear to listen to their problems. You gave some sage advice and some not so smart advice. In all you were a good person who had a big heart and a tough head.

Maybe you were right to wonder. Your soulmate, Tsukishima Kei, was not what you expected in a soulmate. He didn't seem to care that you two were soulmates. He ignored you or made some not so subtle barbs at you. Even though he was a first year and you were a second year, he treated you like nothing.

You hated him. At least that's what you told yourself every time you ended up yelling at him.


"[Last name]-san?" Looking up from you lunch, a smile formed on your face. Seeing Yamaguchi, you immediately got up and went over to him. You had gotten to know Tsukishima's best friend over the time you were supposed to get to know your soulmate. The dark haired boy was actually quite friendly and you two hit it off. You often wondered why he couldn't be your soulmate.

"Yama-chan!" He flushed at the nickname. "What can I do for you?"

He looked a bit nervous as he spoke. "I know Tsukki can be a bit..."

"Mean? Rude? An absolute asshole?" You ticked off each on your fingers.

He quickly shook his head. "I meant he can rub some people the wrong way. That's just how he is. Regardless please don't give up on him!" Yamaguchi quickly bowed to you.

Sighing, you tugged at the ends of your [color] hair. "Why should I even give him another chance? I've spent the last two months trying to get him to open up to me. All I've seen is his condescending personality and he constantly picks on me."

The first year sighed. "Tsukki does have other sides to him. It just...it just takes time. Even though he doesn't seem like it, he has been a bit more open since you've been around him. Please, again, don't give up on him!"

"Why do you care so much, Yama-chan? Why are you even friends with him?"

"Tsukishima has been my best friend for a long time. He accepts me even if I don't stand out as much. I just want him to be happy and I think he'd be happier with you by his side..." he said quietly while looking down.

Staring at him, you couldn't help but cave. "I'll...try again..." He perked up. "...but if he pushes me off the edge, I won't hold back." He started to sweat at the scary look you had on your face as you cracked your knuckles.


You had never seen a volleyball game before until now. Yamaguchi had invited you to come see one of Karasuno's practice matches. You knew some of the members but most you only knew by name. You didn't know much about the game, but it was intense.

You found yourself looking mostly at Tsukishima even though he didn't play as often. When he was on the court, he looked so calm. Off the court, his eyes followed the game as if he was playing it himself. He didn't comment when you showed up nor did he come over to you. Sitting with their manager, you halfheartedly watched the rest of the game.

The way he teased the other players, mostly Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya and Tanaka, reminded you much of the way he would pick on you. His dark eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement, something you hadn't noticed when he teased you as you were usually yelling at him. Maybe you took his teasing too seriously and got riled up too quickly. Maybe that was his way of showing affection.

After the game, the two of you ended up walking in silence. Yamaguchi had made a very bad excuse of not being able to go with you. You knew it was his way of trying to get you two to spend time together. You walked a bit faster to keep up with his long strides. His headphones hung around his neck as he stared straight ahead.

"I've never watched a volleyball match before. It was...interesting to see how fast everything went. It makes me want to try it out," you said to fill the silence.

He looked down at you. "With your current strength and height, I highly doubt you'd be able to spike the ball let alone hit it."

Instead of immediately blowing up, you breathed deeply and counted to three in your head. "You never know. I could train really hard and maybe be like Hinata-kun. Plus I like my height. I'm average for my age group. You, on the other hand, are a beanpole."

Tsukishima blinked and stopped walking. His mouth slightly open. He had been expecting you to burst out in anger. Instead you give him a smug grin and kept going ahead. He stared at your back as you continued walking without looking back

"Come on, beanpole, or we'll miss the train!" you called. As he made his way to your side, you felt something change between you two. There was a small smile on both your faces.

Perhaps you weren't suppose to hit it right off with your soulmate. Maybe learning about each other and getting to know the others' personality and quirks were part of the deal. There were parts of him you didn't know. There were parts of you he didn't know. Just like the tattoos on both your wrists, there were sides that were visible and others that weren't.

Only through time would you two become true soulmates.

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