Unusual Circumstances [Suga x Reader ]

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by Casaline on DeviantArt


Go away

Her footsteps resonated across the cold hollow streets. The sounds mimicking herself. Blank and empty. She wasn't blank like the other girls. Those girls were looking around for bright splashes of paint to be splattered onto them. This girl was dreary and worn, she had wiped her canvas clean of colour to escape her cruel life.

A few drips of rain began to fall. Instead of running for cover or making any sort of disappointed reaction. She stood with her face facing the clouds. Relishing each drop.


Sugawara gazed at the strange girl from a distance. The way the rain glistened on her skin made her seem almost magical. Her wayward (h/c) hair began to stick to her face and her clothes plastered themselves on her. Yet, she made no intention to seek cover.

Wanting to get a closer look at the girl, Suga crept up gingerly and hid behind a advertisement screen.

At first glance, the girl was undeniably beautiful. She looked delicate and dainty as if made of porcelain. Her hair was rich in colour and her rosy lips were lush. But as Sugawara looked at her eyes he felt a pang of shock. It wasn't that her eyes were ugly in any way. No. Her (e/c) hues were quite gorgeous and he could have gotten lost in them if it weren't for the fact that they were so utterly...


Her eyes were lifeless.


You were drenched in rain. It was a pleasant sensation as the drops poured over every inch of your skin, soaking in. Only the rain truly understood you.

Shut up

Even your soulmate hated you. You traced your fingers over the mocking dark blue cursive imprinted on your wrist.

Enduring the constant verbal battering of your classmates was not easy, however you were able to withstand it. But when even your supposed friends turned their backs to you, you had become completely lost. You looked down at your watch and registered the time. 12:10 pm. It was time to head back to school, lunch was almost over and you still had to change out of your soaked clothes.

The rain didn't cease as you bolted back with the wind whipping your hair in all directions. The stinging pain left by the spiking ends of your hair felt refreshing as they slapped your cheeks and neck.


"Ah!" Suga exclaimed softly when he realized he was going to be late for class. he had been so immersed in his own thoughts that he had failed to notice the girl leave.

Had she been wearing the school uniform? I think I've seen her around. Maybe she's a second year?

He started running at full speed back to school. It was well over 12:10 and Suga was sure that he would be late. Running with an umbrella was not very easy to do, and he began wondering whether he should abandon the umbrella somewhere.


It was 12:15 when you had reached the girls locker rooms. Your back-up clothes were definitely stored in your locker, you had put them there this morning. But when you swung open the little metal door, the cubby appeared to be empty.

"I knew you'd be out in the rain again. Freak. "

A snarky voice cut through the air, and you felt your skin prickle.

"Hey you," the same voice said " Are you looking for this?"

You made no movement since you already knew what the girl had in her hands. Your spare clothes had been taken by the same classmates that always insulted you.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! You little jerk."

This time a hand lashed out and gripped you by the shoulder. But you refused to give her the joy of a reaction.

"You little..."

At the exact moment the door to the room swung open with a large bang.


Suga stared with horror at the scene that was happening before him for 3 reasons.

A. He realized that he must have accidentally entered the GIRLS changing room.

B. Girl number 1 had a hand on Girl number 2's shoulder and was ready to hit her.

C. Girl number 2 was none other than the girl in the rain.

Sugawara's entrance must have greatly upset the Violent Girl, for she screamed a line of profanities before running out, but not before screaming 'Pervert' at poor innocent Suga.


You stared at the boy who had just entered. It was obviously quite normal for you to stare at a boy who had casually entered the girls changing room. He slid down the wall to sit across from you and smiled.

"Go away" you blurted out.

He looked at you with a odd mixture of surprise, excitement, and sympathy. When he opened his mouth to speak, you cut him off.

"Don't try to comfort me. I don't need that pity. I already know I'm pathetic," your words came out a bit sharper than you wanted them to be "Just get out of the girls changing room before the news spreads, spare yoursel—"

"Shut up."

Your eyes widened a bit at hearing those words. But you quickly dismissed the possibility of him being a nice guy. You didn't want to get your hopes up. After all, he could have politely left or shushed you.



You jerked your head up to look at him. Those weren't the words you saw everyday. But he had said them separately...

"You don't hate me?" you said without thinking.

The boy looked surprised but then burst into a hearty laughter that lit up the room. Even you smiled feebly at hearing his chuckles.

"Why would I hate you for no reason?" he managed to say between guffaws.

When he finally calmed down, he grinned and extended a hand towards you.

"Sugawara Koushi. Pleased to meet you... Soulmate..."

For the first time in ages, someone had painted your canvas.


"Umm Sugawara?"


"We're still in the girls' changing room."

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