Glaring [Tsukishima x Reader]

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This story is written by pulchuritudite on DeviantArt


Really, he should've seen it coming. He was such a dick that it would be obvious that those were the words written on him. With the number of people that he had given random, backhanded insults to, it was amazing that no one had responded with these choice words.

"Fuck you, asshat." was beautifully written across his forearm. It was blood red, just like everyone else, and had stars drawn around it as a design from the cute, loopy writing. It was kind of ironic how pretty it was, judging on the word choice.


"Watch where you're going, asshole."

That unfortunate sentence was scrawled across the right side of your abdomen. The dark red color the only thing beautiful about it, judging that the sentence was written in complete chicken scratch. It was almost impossible to read it, especially since you had had to ask your friend for help when figuring it out. God, your soul mate's handwriting was complete shit.


Tsukishima Kei. God, everything about him made your blood boil. It's not that you two had ever spoken to each other, but that was mainly because you avoided him like the plague. He was infuriating to you, not to mention a complete asshole to everyone he met. If you could erase anyone off of the face of the Earth, it would be him.


[F/n] [L/n], what a joke. You were one of the most annoying people in the entire universe. You were always way too loud with your friends, not even including your laugh, which was one of the most obnoxious things he had ever heard. You were one of the constant annoyances in his life, and if he could get rid of you, he would.


Normally, you would have pretty good luck, and the day would go on uneventfully, but today was proving to be the complete opposite of that.

First, you had woken up late, which had caused you to be late for class as well. You were only scolded lightly by your teacher, but it was still embarrassing since it was in front of the entire class.

Next, during P.E., you had managed to trip over your own foot and faceplant into the dirt of the track. You weren't the most graceful of people, but you mostly manage to not fall down and make a fool of yourself every day.

Now, now was the worst part of the day. Who would want to have a stare off with one of the people they absolutely despised? No one, but that was what you were doing right now. You were staring, no, glaring, at none other than Tsukishima Kei.

You had bumped into him, you'd admit that, but that didn't give him the right to be a total dick about it. Really, you could have just kept walking, but your day hadn't been the best, so needless to say, you were a little irritated. It wasn't until after you had replied that both of you had gotten into this stare off. He pissed you off, and you made him angry, so why the fuck were the both of you soul mates?

"Fuck you."

You growled at him. How dare he, who did he think he was? Well, that's what you were thinking before a pair of lips had smashed into yours.


Maybe he really was your soul mate.

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