Photo - Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader

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This story is written by deenotme on DeviantArt


Soulmate!AU where the first words that your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your right wrist. When near your soulmate, the skin on the inside of your wrist feels tingly and sometimes hot.

"He might have thought that he had a stalker now. Seriously, why did you even take a picture of him in the first place? Wait, scratch that question. Who wouldn't take a picture of a hot guy?" [Friend's name] laughed, shaking her head. "Why would you leave the photo on his table, though?"

You sighed, knowing that she'd never let this go.

"Why did you even have your instant camera with you?"

You gestured meekly at the scene outside the window, which didn't do much in aiding your explanation. Your sleeve slipped up, revealing the words Yeah, I definitely know that it was you tattooed in cursive on the inside of your wrist. "I've been carrying around my camera so that I can catch the first traces of snow. It hasn't come yet."

"So you said that you saw him in this café? Oh my god, what if he comes back to find the person that placed that photo on the table?"

Your eyes widened and you almost choked on the sandwich that you had been chewing. He might really do that! And if he figured out that you was the one who took that picture of him...! You'd die of freaking embarrassment.

"[Friend's name], I'm not really feeling good about this. I feel like I might see him again." You said, breaking out in cold sweat.

"I was just joking! The chances of him coming back are like, what? Fifty percent?"

She held up her hands up in a universal sign of surrender as you glared at her.

"Seriously! Chill out! I just want to see if this guy really is as hot as you said he was."

Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to calm yourself down. Even if he walked in at that moment, he didn't know it was you who took that picture. It was fine. Everything was fine. Your mind flashed back to when you walked into the café and grabbed a seat, not really paying any attention to your surroundings.

It was only when you felt a sharp pull towards the table close to the entrance of the café that you looked up from your phone, already close to finishing your coffee. Your gaze fell on a mess of raven black hair that was either the product of lots of hair spray, or was truly bed-hair that denied gravity. The owner of that bedhead was wearing a red jacket, the words "Nekoma" written across it's back, and he was fiddling with what seemed like a PSP, tongue stuck out in concentration. A winter coat was slung over the back of his chair.

You had continued watching him, eyes locked on him for no reason at all. Then he glanced up at you, eyes that were the purest gold meeting your wide ones. Those cat-like eyes seemed to light up with interest, and a corner of his lips tipped up to form a smirk that had your cheeks burning.

At that moment, you felt an undeniable pull towards the high schooler, and your heart started beating like mad. You broke eye contact first, suddenly developing an interest in the patterns on the table surface. You thought you heard a low chuckle coming from that table near the door.

You only glanced up again when you were sure the colour had subsided from your cheeks, and by then his attention was once again held by the device in his hands.

Before you knew what you were doing, you had already held up and aimed your instant camera in the direction of the teen, finger pushing down on the shutter-release button.

You grabbed the photo as the camera dispensed it, staring at it as the white film slowly faded away to reveal the photo that you had just taken. You just took a picture of a hot guy. What were you thinking?

You cringed, quickly putting the instant camera back into your bag and getting ready to leave.

The black haired boy got up the same time as you did, throwing a subtle glance at you. But while you made your way to the door, he started towards the washroom. The skin on the inside of your wrist started to tingle as you walked past each other, and you almost opened your mouth to say something.

Cheeks flaming, you looked forward again. You walked past his table, feeling weird and tingly and hot. 'Not knowing what you were thinking' wasn't the correct phrase. 'Without thinking at all' better described your state of mind when you left the photo on his table before exiting the café.

You groaned, covering your face with your palms. "I think he definitely knows that it was me."

The inside of your wrists started tingling again just a moment before you heard a deep voice behind you. "Yeah, I definitely know it was you."

You startled, squeaking as your gaze met the golden orbs that you had seen merely a day before.

"Sorry! I swear I'm not a stalker!"

His eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what you just said.

"[Name]... Check your wrist." [Friend's name] nudged you, and you glanced down at your right wrist to see the words that had been there since the day you were born.

Yeah, I definitely know it was you.

You glanced back at the guy in front of you, blinking. "You're my soulmate?"

"You have no idea how worried I've been for the past 18 years, thinking that my soulmate was, indeed, a stalker." He pushed up his sleeve, and the words written on his wrist were as clear as the day.

Sorry! I swear I'm not a stalker!

You breathed out a surprised laugh, not believing in this change of events. What do people do when they meet their soulmates for the first time?

You didn't know, but an introduction would suffice. You stretched out a hand. "[Full Name]."

A smile tugged at your lips, a twin to the grin on the boy's face. He reached out to grasp your hand, his palm calloused and warm. "Kuroo Tetsurou."

Outside, the first snowflakes started to drift down from the heavens, as if waiting for that moment to grace everyone with their presence.

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