Inferior (Bokuto x Reader)

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by MrsTanaka on DeviantArt


(Soulmate Au! In which the words your soulmate first says to you are tattooed on your wrist. You must hear the words spoken by your soulmate and they must be directed to you)

You knew who your soulmate was long before he knew you; hell, you knew long before the two of you had even spoken a word to each other.

And how exactly was that?

Well, that's simple the words that were forever etched into your wrist in delicate black letters were...

'Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing with my setter?!'

There was only one person you knew of (and probably only one person in the world) who looped the word 'hey' three times and was a Volleyball player.

As a child, you had often dreamed of your soulmate being some sort of knightly character that would ride in and sweep you off your feet. In your imagination the knight would always be accompanied by his white steed and his armor would always shine beneath the burning sun.

As a teenager, you exchanged your fantasies of knights and horses to good looking men who drove exotic white cars. The shining armor was replaced with expensive clothes that would probably cost your folks an arm and a leg just for you to wear for a day. They were the ones in the magazines that your friends constantly brought along to school spewing pleasantries such as 'one day I'll find my soulmate' and you as well as the rest of the girls your age ate it up.

It was also at this time that you looked up what a setter was and after one google search you quickly determined that a Setter was a type of dog. A gun dog to be exact used for hunting game such as quails. So, your soul mate had a dog and one day you'd run into that dog. Or at least that's what you had thought.

It wasn't until you were high school that you started to focus on the men around you. The one's that were more likely to be your soulmate because there was no way the pretty boys in the magazines would ever be your soulmate. It wasn't that you were boy crazy or desperate for love, but you wouldn't mind finding someone that you could lean on or vice versa.

You had found your soulmate in your second year of high school.

"Hey, did you here Nyoko-san found her soulmate?" an acquaintance of yours spoke up. You used the word acquaintance since you had only ever spoken to her a handful of times in your first year. The only reason she was even conversing with you now was simply because you were the only one she recognized in this class.

Who the heck was Nyoko again? Was that someone important? Some celebrity? Maybe a classmate? You decided not to voice your questions and merely shook your head at her question.

"Oh, really? I thought you were friends with her? Eri, Nyoko?" the girl continued speaking and upon hearing the full name a small spark of recognition flashed across your eyes.

Ah, that girl. You had been partnered with her on a project last year that was worth a majority of your grade. You supposed that was where the ridiculous notion of you two being friends came from.

"We weren't really friends. We just got partnered up in an end of the year project," you muttered under your breath as you took a small sip of your vanilla milk. You noted it was starting to get warm thanks to your negligence.

'Damn...I should have finished it sooner,' you thought to yourself before looking toward the girl beside you once more.

"So, what do you think?" she asked and you slowly blinked after having realized that you hadn't been paying attention to a word she had just said.

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