Chrysanthemum [Sugawara Koushi]

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This story is written by Kit12323 on DeviantArt


Sugawara Koushi x Reader

Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a tattoo on the inside of their wrist of their dominant hand. Only two of the same tattoos exist in the world. The identical tattoos mean that the two people are soulmates. People can go through their lives without ever meeting their soulmate.


Age 6

You hummed to yourself as you put the finishing touches to your sandcastle. The sandbox at the park was always the first thing you went to. The other children tended to head to the monkey bars or the swings. You wanted to build things from your extensive imagination. Smiling down at your work, you looked around for your mother. She was sitting on a bench chatting with another woman. You wanted her to see your creation and was about to call for her, when a ball came flying through the air and landed in the middle of your creation.

You gave a cry of despair as the ball completely destroyed everything. "Oh, sorry," a boy said as he retrieved his ball. He went back to his friends without another look back. Large tears started welling up in your eyes and slid down your cheeks as you stared at the ruins. Your bottom lip trembled and you let out a whimper.

"Are you okay?" a sudden voice asked. Looking up, you saw a boy with light gray hair standing over you with a concerned look on his face.

Sniffing, you pointed to the mess. "M-my castle w-was d-destroyed. I wo-worked really hard on it a-and now it's g-gone..." As a bout of fresh tear started forming, the boy suddenly sat down.

"Don't worry, I can help you rebuild it," he said with a smile.

"O-okay..." Rubbing the tears away, you two started on rebuilding the castle. It went a lot quicker than before and the boy chatted with you as you built everything. Once it was done, you smiled as it looked even better than before.

"Thank you!" You grinned at him. "I can't wait to show my mom." You pointed to your mother who was still with the other lady.

"That's my mom over there with her," he said and stood up. Holding out his hand, he offered it to you. You noticed something on his wrist that you had seen on your own many times.

Taking his hand, you stood up. "I have that on my wrist too." You showed him your own. It was the exact same flower: a bright yellow chrysanthemum with the petals twisting into a perfect spiral toward the center.

"That's so cool!" His brown eyes widened in amazement. "I'm Sugawara Koushi, by the way."

"[Last name] [First name]." Tugging on his hand, you headed toward your mother. "Come on!"

The two of you dashed over and stopped short. Both parents looked down at you two. "Did you make a new castle, [First name]?"

"Yeah! I had help too." You smiled at the boy.

"I see you made a friend, Koushi," his mother said with a warm smile.

He nodded. "Look. We even have the same flower!" You two displayed your wrists to them. Both women blinked in surprise and then looked at each other.

"Oh my..." Your mother covered her mouth.

Sugawara's mother was just as shocked. "So soon too..."

You both stared at the older women in confusion. Tugging on your mother's dress, you asked, "What's wrong, mommy?"

She smiled down at you and patted your head. "Nothing, little one. It's just, sharing the same flower means you two are destined to be close."

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