Dreams Come True (Iwaizumi x Reader)

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by AoriRihito on DeviantArt


Everyone was born with their soulmate's name on their wrists. When your soulmate died, the name would be crossed.


"Do you know that dreams do come true, Hajime-kun?"

"What's with that sudden topic?"

"I read about it from a book yesterday! Apparently if you dream enough, it would come true! I've dreamt about meeting you almost every day ever since I learned how to read, and I did!"

"Isn't it just the way soulmate goes, though?"

"But not every soulmates get to meet each other, so we must have met because I dreamt about it long enough!"

"Alright, alright..."


He couldn't find himself to move. He could only stare in horror as the love of his life was taken from him.

It was just like in his dreams. His worst nightmares that had been haunting him for weeks. How could he not see it? It must had been a sign.

He desperately wanted to move. He wanted to run to the middle of the street and grab you, so that damn car wouldn't hit you. Even if he would get hit, it would have been better if it wasn't you. He wasn't sure if he could live without you, but he could make sure that you live your life to the fullest. You, his soulmate who had been dreaming about him. What did he do to ever deserve a loving soulmate like you?

He could've stopped you from crossing the street. He could've crossed the street himself. You just wanted an ice cream, he could've bought it for you. He could've gone with you. He could've saved you. But why didn't he? He was supposed to be protecting you!

He was lucky enough to meet you, because yes, not all soulmates get to meet each other. The days he spent with you was undeniably his most precious days. God, how he loved you. Your smart retorts, your quick remarks, your teasing grins, he loved it all. You were his everything. You were always there during his fall, ad you would always help him pick himself up. You had done so much for him, and what did he do?

He let you die.

"You know, you seriously could've saved me."

He gasped when he saw you- No, it wasn't you. It was your body, but your eyes would never be that... That lifeless.

"Why didn't you, Hajime-kun? Hadn't I done enough for you?"

He felt his body trembled. He wanted to say something back, he wanted to call out to you, he wanted to tell you that you had done way too much for him, but he couldn't move, again.

"Tell me, Hajime-kun, do you hate me that much until I have to die?"

No, of course not! He wanted to shout, but where was his voice?

"I guess I don't have any value at all for you, Hajime-kun..."

Value? You were everything he ever wanted! How could you say that? He wanted to tell you about how much he loved you, but again, where was his voice?

"I'll take my leave then. Goodbye, Iwaizumi-san."

That name... Why did you call him with that name...? Both of you weren't strangers to each other, it wasn't right for you to call him by his last name... No...

His eyes widened when he realized that you (or a fragment of you) walked away and slowly disappearing. Tears started to cloud his eyes as he finally gained the strength to move his mouth,



Hajime's eyes opened wide with erratic breathing. He quickly sat on the bed and reached to turn the lamp on. Another nightmare? How many had he gotten?

He sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. These nightmares about (Name) dying had been getting his nerve.

Until he noticed.

The name on his wrist was crossed.

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