[Bokuto] Emotions

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I don't own this story!!!

This story is written by icyfalls on DeviantArt


Bokuto Koutarou x Reader

Soulmate!AU where you can feel your soulmate's emotions

Books and reference notes were scattered all over the table, your laptop placed right in the midst of the mess while you rushed to finish an assignment. Your hands trembled just slightly as you reach for your third cup of coffee that night and you let out a curse under your breath when you scalded your tongue.

"[Name], you alright?" A voice called out from behind you.


"I think you should sleep soon." Hearing the video game being paused, you knew he was staring at you, and you could literally feel his concern for you growing in your chest.

You rolled back to turn your chair to face him, painting on a smile. "I'm really alright. Don't wait up for me and go to bed first."

The words you spoke differed from what you truly felt, and you hated that you couldn't hide it from him no matter how hard you tried. Nothing could beat the mutual feeling of love that is exchanged between soulmates, but at the same time, the bond had its downsides too.

Life isn't all rainbow and sunshine. When arguments inevitably occur, the emotions your soulmate feel is far more hurting than any words that may be exchanged. No matter what you feel, your soulmate will always be on the receiving end, and it is impossible to stop that passing..

Lies can be told, but emotions are always genuine.

As much as you'd love to prevent it, you knew he could feel your exhaustion and guilt for constantly pushing him away. And even when you didn't want to admit it, you yearned for his presence close by. You sorely wish he didn't have to know of your selfish desires.

But that's just how a soulmate bond works- with no lies or secrets between each other.

"I'll stay up with you a little longer," Bokuto grinned, gravity starting to weigh down on his hair as he rubbed his eyes.

Knowing that there was no arguing with him, you resumed doing your work with full knowledge that your feelings of appreciation would be conveyed to him. Bokuto sat down on the swirly chair beside you, humming a random tune as he played with his phone. From the corner of your eye, you could see his leg shaking vigorously as he occupied himself. Your lips curved upwards. Even after graduation from high school, Bokuto still remained his energetic self who grew restless easily. You met his gaze, an eyebrow quirked as he stared at you inquisitively.

Silently, you turned back to your laptop; and a low chuckle came from him.

Words were unnecessary when your emotions can be so easily conveyed.

I love you


Finally finishing up on your assignment, you closed you laptop and turned to your pseudo owl boyfriend who was snoring softly, his face against a pile of your notes. You let your fingers run through his striped hair, watching as he rouses from his slumber.

"Done?" He drawled out in a yawn, his back cracking loudly as he stretched.

"Yup! Let's go to bed, Kou."

Bokuto wrapped a sculpted arm around your waist as he crawled into bed right after you. Nuzzling his face at the base of your neck, his warm breath tickled your skin when he let out a sleepy whisper before falling straight to sleep.

Right there in his arms, you never felt more at home.

"I love you too, [Name]."

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