Passing Faces [Hinata x Reader]

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This story is written by pulchuritudite on DeviantArt


Looking down at your timer, you rubbed your thumb over the numbers on your wrist. You were so nervous. You have been since yesterday. Not even yesterday, actually. You've been nervous for this whole week.

Actually, nervous didn't even begin to cover what you felt. It was just a flurry of emotions, mixing and mashing and hitting you with a barrage of mood swings every second.


That was what was on your timer at this very moment. Thirty-four minutes and sixteen, no fifteen, no fourteen- Agh! Thirty-four minutes until you would meet your soul mate.

You wondered if-

"(Nickname)-chan! Hey!"

You were jolted out of your thoughts as one of your friends, Aoi, called out to you.

"Come on! We're gonna be late for our own school's game!"

You nodded, waving a hand as a sign for her to go first.

"Yeah, you go on! I'm just gonna get myself some snacks first."

"Get me some gummy worms, would ya?" She grinned, looking behind her and giving you a thumbs up before running off to another one of Date Tech High's games.

Really, you didn't know much about volleyball, but Aoi's older brother was on the Date Tech High team, and she had made it her mission to support him every step of the way...and drag you along to every match.

Shaking your head, you continued on your quest for snacks, picking out some Pocky, potato chips, and Aoi's gummy worms.

You hadn't even noticed that your timer had already run way down by the time you were making it back through the crowded halls.


It looked like one of the matches had just ended, as a whole volleyball team was making their way to the hall you had just been in. You were able to go around them, albeit accidentally knocking shoulders with an orange haired boy. You felt a small shock run through you, but dismissed it as static electricity. Looking behind you and calling out an apology, you continued to run towards the other court. You definitely didn't want to be late for your school's game.

After climbing at least five flights of stairs, you finally arrived at your seats, where Aoi was looking at you with a grin almost like the Cheshire Cat.

"So, did a special someone hold you up? Because you missed the first ten minutes of the game."

You were now completely confused, and looked up at her with a questioning expression.


Her smile fell as she shakily pointed to your timer.


Your eyes widened in shock before you started shaking, dropping everything you were holding.

"Y-You mean I- I missed them?"

Tears were welling up in your eyes as your knees gave out from underneath you, causing you to collapse on the floor. A sob tore through you, the cry almost sounding as if someone had ripped your soul right from your body. Aoi quickly sank to the floor with you, hugging your body against her as you cried your eyes out.

It was a heart wrenching realization to you, that now your soul mate was just another passing face in a crowd full of people.

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