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 March 10 2010  

                  Giselle Edwards was sitting in traffic on her way to work on Wednesday morning she was listening to one of her favorite songs "Bleeding Love".   She was singing along when the song abruptly got cut off and she heard the radio DJ come on the air his voice sounding very somber saying that 80's teen heart throb Corey Haim had passed away that morning from a drug overdose. WHAT! Giselle exclaimed slamming on her breaks she almost rear ended the car in front of her; the traffic on the freeway was bumper to bumper. She could not believe her ears did the guy on the radio just say that Corey was dead?  Her cell phone rang making her snap out of her thoughts she saw Amy's picture and phone number pop up on the screen. Hello she said accepting the call. Hey Gigi Amy said she could barely hear her over her 5 year old Amanda being loud and pushing buttons on the phone. Please go watch TV in your room; I need to talk to Giselle. FINE! Giselle heard Amanda scream and stomp off. Sorry Amy said Amanda and Matthew have both been giving me a run for my money today I swear, without taking a breath she rushed in and said OMG Gigi I am so sorry about Corey. Wait what Giselle asked she could feel the tears start to well up. You haven't heard Amy asked quietly? Umm no Giselle answered. Well actually I may have just heard a bit on the radio saying Corey had passed away but I thought maybe it was a mistake, you know how that goes she said full on crying now.  Even though it had been over twenty years since Giselle had seen Corey she felt like it was just yesterday and she could literally still hear his voice and feel his lips on hers.  Yea Gigi it's true it's been all over the news all morning and there have been tons of celebrities tweeting their memories and condolences to the family. Giselle could barely catch her breath and was thankful that the traffic was stopped because she was now sobbing and could not stop.  I need to go Amy I'm going to call Judy thanks for calling me. Ok Gigi you take care and don't forget to call me later. Ok she said feeling numb as she disconnected the call.

    Even though Giselle had not kept in contact with Corey through the years she had kept in contact with his mother Judy and spoke to her at least once a year. She even had her number saved in her phone under Corey's mom she held the phone to her ear and listened to the phone ring, four rings and still no answer she almost felt relieved because in her mind nothing was official until she had spoken to Judy.  As she was about to cancel the call she heard someone pick up the line , hello said a raspy voice on the other end Giselle only recognized it as Judy's because of her accent but it sounded like she had been crying for days. Hi Jude this is Giselle please tell me it's not true. There was a long pause and Judy finally spoke up and said Hello honey yes its true she confirmed and started sobbing. Judy I'm so sorry if you need anything just let me know I can come up there if you need me Giselle said between sniffles. No darling I know you are busy with work don't worry we can talk over the phone. Save your time for the funeral it will be in Toronto and I would love to see you there at Corey's send off, you were such an important person to him Giselle and he loved you. Giselle's sobs came uncontrollably again, I wouldn't miss it for the world Jude you know you can count on me. Giselle had one more burning question for Judy that she knew that she had to ask even though she was scared. So Jude I'm sorry to ask but is it true what the radio said that Core died of a drug overdose? No sweetheart it makes me sick that they are saying that about him but no he had been clean for months.  We will see what the autopsy reveals but I have been living with him for some time now since I was diagnosed with the cancer he moved me in and had been taking the best care of me.  He had done a complete three sixty has been booking jobs lately and good jobs you wouldn't even recognize him Giselle and you would be so proud. Well I'm happy to hear it Jude it's too bad that we have to lose him right when he was getting his life back on track.  So very true Judy said you keep your head up darling and we will see you at the funeral. There was a pause and then Judy spoke again. Giselle you do know that out of all of Corey's girlfriends you were my favorite and I always felt like you were my daughter, having had you live with us and all.  I'm just sorry that my grandbaby didn't survive especially now that Core is gone. Giselle thought back to that day at the hospital all of those years ago when she had gone into early labor because Corey had upset her so badly with his addictions and partying. He hadn't even shown up to the hospital that night because he was out who knows where getting high. It was Judy that had held Giselle's hand that night and hugged her when she was given the devastating news about her and Corey's baby. The traffic finally started to move again bringing Giselle back to the present. Thank you Jude I loved and still do love your son more than anything and of course you have always been like my second mother I can never thank you enough for everything you did for me she added tears streaming down her face sometimes things just aren't meant to be.  Take care Judy call me if you need anything. They said their goodbyes and Giselle dropped her phone onto the passenger seat.  She pulled a Kleenex from the middle console and looked in the vanity mirror her mascara was running down her face and her nose was all red. There is no way that I can go to work like this I'm a wreck she thought to herself she picked up her phone again and dialed the attendance line at her job and took the day off.  She got off of the freeway and got back on heading back in the direction of her house.  She could not believe that Corey was gone and that he was never coming back. All of a sudden all of the memories of the times that she and Corey had had and how happy she had been when they first became a couple came flooding back. She had almost forgotten how swept up with him that she was, at times it was so bad that she felt she could no longer see the ground. Unfortunately for her at that point in her life she was oblivious to the fact that everything that goes up inevitably always comes down.

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