Chapter 18

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     It was almost midnight when they arrived back at the hotel. Giselle sleepily got out of the car and Corey put his arm around her as they walked towards their room. Walking past the reception desk Giselle could see that someone had left one of the French doors open and there was a bunch of voices and commotion wafting in from the pool area. Corey looked at Giselle and asked. Wanna go see what's going on out there? Sure lets go she said as they headed out the French doors.

    Giselle heard Feldman yell the dynamic duo is complete! He got out of the pool and ran up to Corey and they did their special handshake Giselle could tell that Feldman may have had a few too many glasses of wine or something because he sure was acting very strange. As the two Corey's were catching up, Giselle looked over to the end of the pool where she could see three blonde headed girls playfully splashing and pushing each other in the water. One of them a tall pretty girl wearing a bright pink bikini began to get out and wrapped herself in her towel and headed in their direction. She walked past Giselle without so much as a glance and walked right up to Corey whose back was to her. She tapped him on the shoulder and said hey you! Corey turned around and looked at her with a surprised look and said Lala how are you? I'm doing ok she said as she opened her arms for a hug Corey briefly glanced at Giselle and returned the hug. To Giselle it felt like the hug lasted forever but she knew it was only a few seconds. Feldman walked away and said I'll give you two a moment and continued to walk to the end of the pool where the other girls were.  Giselle felt like an outsider as she stood there listening to the conversation that Lala and Corey were having he was pretty much telling her about the new town he was living in and she was catching him up on the stuff going on in LA. Less than five minutes had passed by but to Giselle it felt like an eternity. She was beginning to feel left out and worst of all ignored by Corey he hadn't paid her any attention since Lala had walked up not even to introduce her she was getting angry and could feel her face turn red and her ears get hot.  She could hear Feldman and the other girls at the other end of the pool they sounded like they were just having a blast.  She would bet money that they all had, had more than their share to drink.

    Giselle had had it she turned on her heel and walked back through the French doors and up to the reception desk.  There was no attendant on duty so she rang the bell on the desk to get someone's attention. Can I help you miss? The man behind the counter finally came around and asked. Yes can I please have another key for 38 A? My boyfriend and his friends are hanging out at the pool and it appears he left the key in the room.  What is your boyfriend's name? The attendant asked. Its Corey Haim. Ahh yes the attendant said here is the extra key. Thanks. Giselle said and walked off. She felt like bursting into tears as she walked to her room she realized that Corey had not even come after her.

    She unlocked the door wiping the tears off of her face. She dropped her purse on the coffee table in the living room and continued walking to the bedroom.  She just wanted to curl up in the bed and go to sleep. She opened the door to the bedroom and to her surprise there was Corey sitting on the bed waiting for her. She was so mad at him and did not want him to see that she had been crying so she turned and walked back out of the room and back to the living room. Giselle he said what is wrong? He came running and sat down beside her on the couch. Giselle turned to face the other direction she didn't want him to see that she had been crying nothing she mumbled I'm fine. Well you don't look fine he said look at me he added. No she said beginning to get up off the couch. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back down causing her to look in his direction and he noticed her tear streaked face. Aww Giselle don't cry over me if this has anything to do with Lala I'm sorry I haven't seen her in so long we were just catching up and I did not mean to exclude you. Well you did Giselle finally said you didn't even introduce me to her almost as if you didn't want her to know that we are now a couple. It's not about that hun, really Corey reassured her. I will introduce you to her at the premier tomorrow I know she will be there because Drew will be going with Core and you know you can't find one of those girls without the other. Giselle smiled against her will. That's better Corey said I like seeing you smile he leaned in and kissed her. Well it's almost two in the morning Corey said we better get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us. Yea your right Giselle said feeling better he grabbed her hand and lead her back toward the bedroom and shut the door.

    Giselle went to the bathroom and changed into her pajama pants and tank top she washed her face and teeth and walked over to the bed climbing the steps she brushed the rose petals that Corey had put on the bed to the floor. Corey walked in several minutes later Giselle figured he must have gone to use the hall bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for bed since Giselle was hogging the master bathroom. She apologized to him for this and said next time he is welcome to come in. As tempting as that sounds he said I will let you have your privacy that is why we have two bathrooms. They pulled the comforter and sheets back on the bed and crawled in she couldn't help but stare at Corey as he stood there shirtless in his boxer shorts and she had to shoo indecent thoughts from her mind. Corey shut off the light and moved in closer to Giselle in the huge bed she could feel her heart begin to race as he put his arms around her she couldn't help but wonder if this would be the night but he just kissed her lips lightly and said goodnight don't let the bed bugs bite. Giselle said goodnight back and fell asleep in his arms.

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