Chapter 37

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We need to go to the Viper Room Steve said as they passed the bar on Sunset. Ok Giselle, Amy said ignoring Steve keep your eyes peeled for the blue Paramount billboard. I'm pretty sure I saw it pretty close to Artisan Giselle said. Hey there it is she said as the huge sign came into view. Amy put her blinker on and pulled her car into the lot. The place looked like a war house it looked nothing like Artisan with its million steps. If it wasn't for the huge sign nobody would ever guess that it was a movie set but maybe that was the intention Giselle thought to herself. I don't know where to park and I don't want to pay Amy whined as she drove around looking for free parking. They could not find free parking so they had to park in a neighborhood across the street with many hills and many apartment complexes. There were very few usable parking spots and most of them were on a hill and occupied with cars bumper to bumper.  Amy finally found a spot and Steve had to get out and direct her on parallel parking once they finally parked Amy and Giselle got out. They began to walk to Paramount they had to cross Sunset to get there so they had to stand and wait for traffic for almost ten minutes. When they finally arrived at Paramount Giselle began to get very nervous as they walked up to the building Giselle noticed Corey's red Mustang parked on the side so she knew he would be in there.

As soon as they walked through the doors they were greeted by a pretty brunette wearing a gray maxi skirt with a black spaghetti strap top, her long hair was in a low side ponytail. Hello can I help you guys? She asked with a big smile revealing her very white straight teeth. Giselle walked up to the desk and told her that she was there looking for Corey Haim.  Ahh yes. She said the smile never leaving her face. He is in Stage 3 just right down that hallway and to your left. She said pointing in the direction. Thanks Giselle said and they walked down the hallway which seemed to go on forever.  Finally they reached the door that said Stage 3 in very large letters on the door. Giselle slightly pulled on the door just to be sure it wasn't locked and it wasn't it opened with ease and they all walked in. It was dark when they walked into the studio once Giselle's eyes adjusted she could see a sliver of light to the right so she led the way in that direction Amy and Steve closely behind. As they got closer to the light Giselle could hear voices and some old music she thought it sounded like Frank Sinatra's music. they walked into the room the light that was coming from it was very dim and the backdrop in the room was of a dark sky with stars shining and in the middle of the room was a huge blue Cadillac. Giselle thought it looked like a model from the 1970's and what she saw on the hood of the car made her stop in her tracks there he was the love of her life and the father of her unborn child Corey Ian Haim standing on that car wearing acid wash jeans and a gray blazer. He was embracing a tall slender girl with long blonde hair that looked like it was in a spiral perm she was wearing a formal looking short pink dress and pink high heels. It almost looked like they were dancing on the car swaying back and forth the girl's heels sounded like nails on a chalkboard she must be leaving some deep scratches on that hood Giselle thought to herself.

No one could have prepared Giselle for what happened next all of a sudden Corey leaned in and kissed the blonde and Giselle felt a nauseous feeling in her stomach. Cut! She heard the director yell she turned and ran leaving Steve and Amy standing in the studio.  Giselle ran back down the never ending hallway until she arrived at the front desk she asked the pretty brunette where the restroom was located and in the middle of her response Giselle threw up all over the floor around her she could not stop. The girl tried to be nice and comforting but Giselle could tell that she was a bit grossed out by what had just happened. Are you ok? The girl asked patting Giselle on the back. Yes Giselle said nodding and standing straight back up. I can clean this up if you need me to just tell me where your mop is. No it's ok the girl replied we have a janitor and I will get him on the phone. As she was on the phone getting the janitor Amy and Steve came running up to Giselle. They looked at her vomit on the ground and asked what happened? I felt really sick and didn't know where the bathroom was so I didn't make it in time Giselle told Amy. Eww! Steve said. Amy nudged him with her elbow giving him a warning look. The janitor came walking over with his mop and bucket and mopped up the mess and then set a folding yellow sign down that set Caution Wet Floor. See the girl behind the counter told Giselle the floor is as good as new.  I'm really sorry Giselle told her sincerely feeling embarrassed. It's really ok the girl said and smiled. So are we going back to the set? Amy asked Giselle. Well of course she replied we came here to see him so of course we have to go back.

They all walked backed down the hall toward Stage 3 there was more light when they walked through the doors this time. Giselle noticed that Corey and the girl in the pink dress were no longer standing on the car. Now Corey and a man a woman who looked pregnant a teenage girl with glasses and a little boy that looked like he was about 8 or 9 were all seated around what looked like a dinner table. There were bowls with spoons and plates in front of each person. Corey was having a conversation with the man about wanting him to buy him a BMW when he got his license and he handed the man a magazine. The scene was actually pretty funny Giselle thought about what a wonderful actor Corey was. Cut! She heard the director yell interrupting Giselle's thoughts. Everyone take ten the director said. Giselle watched Corey walk over to what looked like a snack table there was a bowl of pretzels, apples and several other types of fruits, bottles of water, soda and many other types of snacks. Corey stuck his hand in the bowl of pretzels and grabbed a bottle of water .Giselle thought about walking up to him to let him know that she was there until she saw the girl with the pink dress walk up to him and start talking to him. Amy looked at Giselle and mouthed what are you doing aren't you going to go talk to him? She asked. No not yet Amy shook her head I'm waiting I want to see how he interacts with other girls when I'm not around. I see said Amy good plan. Oh man its Corey Feldman! Steve said sounding excited. Yea said Giselle of course he's here Steve he is an actor in this movie. Well excuse me! said Steve I didn't know he was in this movie. Corey Feldman is his favorite actor he was in a couple of Steve's favorite movies like Gremlins and Stand by Me Amy explained to Giselle. He is probably really star struck right about now. Aren't you sweetie? She said putting her arm through Steve's. I am not star struck he told Amy but I would like to meet him. Do you think you can make that happen scrub? He asked looking at Giselle. Well I'm sure that can be arranged pretty soon here Giselle answered. He is Corey's best friend and hangs with him all of the time when they are filming together. So what are we waiting for? Steve asked loudly. Didn't you come here to see your man scrub?  Shhh! Amy and Giselle both said putting their index fingers to their lips. But it was too late the camera woman had heard Steve. She walked over to the group and when she got closer Giselle could see that it was Stephanie Greene.  Oh hello! Stephanie said. You here to see Corey? She asked smiling at her. Hi. Giselle responded and then said yyyyes I'm here to see him but we were just watching a few scenes first she added. Why of course, that's always fun to do Stephanie said. Oh Stephanie these are my friends Amy and Steve. Hello! she said shaking their hands nice to meet you. Well, feel free to go over and talk to Corey when you are ready anytime he is on break. Thanks Giselle said as Stephanie walked away. So let's go over now Steve said impatiently. No Amy told him we are observing right now. You girls are something else he said sounding annoyed. Giselle saw the girl in the pink dress talking and almost looked like she was flirting with Corey. She was drinking a bottle of water and kept playing with her hair twisting a piece around and around her finger as she stood there. She also kept switching her weight from foot to foot those heels are probably killing her Giselle thought to herself. All of a sudden Giselle saw the girl put her hand on Corey's shoulder while he said something a big smile on his face. The girl threw her head back laughing as if what Corey had just said was the funniest thing that she had ever heard. Giselle noticed that she kept her hand on his shoulder and he was not doing anything to make her remove it. She began to feel her face get hot she looked at Amy and said alright that's it I'm going over there before Amy or Steve could say anything Giselle took off on her way to the snack table.

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