Chapter 58

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Fall 1988

    Giselle dinner is ready! She heard Judy yell at her through the intercom. I'm coming she said pressing the button on the plastic speaker on the wall and responding. She was busy packing her stuff because they would be leaving in two days to North Carolina and they were supposedly going to be there on location for 6 months, at least that is what Marc Rocco had said. So far Giselle had two large suitcases packed so tightly that she could barely close the zipper on either and she knew she would need a couple more plus her toiletries. Mmmm she said walking into the kitchen sure smells good she said taking a peek under the lid of the pot on the stove.  Judy had made a huge pot of chili and some corn bread. Where is Core? She asked Giselle as they took their seats at the dining room table.  I don't know Giselle responded he has been coming home later and later everyday saying that the re shoots for Watcher's have been taking hours. That is strange Judy said they should have wrapped on that a while ago.  Judy was right Giselle thought to herself Corey had been gone a lot lately and she had confronted him about it a couple times but he said that he had been busy with Watchers' and she knew that was not completely a lie. But now that Judy had mentioned the fact that it should have wrapped by now since they were almost ready to leave for the new movie she couldn't help but second guess everything that Corey had told her. Her mind went immediately to thinking that he was with Lala because she was in the movie with him as none other than his love interest. Which was the main reason Giselle had stopped going to the movie set, she knew that they had some very heated make out scenes and she had no desire to watch them knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop it. Maybe we should drive over to Universal tonight if he isn't back soon Giselle offered. Yes, let's do that Judy agreed taking a bite of her cornbread. When Giselle finished her dinner she went back upstairs to continue packing. She couldn't get Corey and Lala out of her mind now that it had been brought up she just kept thinking about it. She walked over to Corey's side of the bed and opened his bedside drawer. She didn't normally snoop in his things but she was really worried about him. After all they were supposed to be keeping an eye on Corey to make sure he wasn't getting into trouble Giselle thought to herself trying to justify that she was about to go through  his things. She could not believe her eyes when she opened the drawer, there were bottles upon bottles of prescriptions all made out to Corey. There were Somas, Percucettes, Xanax and many more. She took one of the bottles out of the drawer and shook it, it felt practically empty she opened the container and there were only three pills left in the bottle. The date on the bottle was less than 3 weeks ago with a 90 day supply she said out loud to herself.  She started going through all of the bottles they were all practically empty as well and they were all issued on the same day. She continued to the second drawer which contained a handful of photographs of him and Feldman and him and Lala and others with Drew and Martika and other people that looked very familiar all taken out by the pool. They looked to be having a blast there were pictures of them holding up alcohol bottles and cigarettes and what looked like other illicit items. She could see that in the back of the drawer was another stack of photos. She stuck her hand all the way in to grab them and started flipping through them she realized that most of the photos had been taken on the set of Watchers. There were pictures of the golden retriever from the movie and the lady that played his mother and then the director. The next five photos were all of him and Lala kissing on the set in one of them he had his hand up her white tank top. Giselle could feel herself getting angry, so angry that she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She threw the photos at the wall they scattered everywhere a mirror and several clear packages of with white powder fell onto the floor beside her. What on earth? She said as she put her hand back into the drawer and pulled out a glass pipe and 3 lighters. She could not believe it he had lied to her all along, here he was telling everyone that he was recovering recovered and that he was doing better and from the looks of it he had changed one vice for the other and was still dabbling in the old vice. She shoved everything back in the drawers, she had decided she was not going to mention this to Judy yet she was going to give Corey a chance to tell her the truth and then she would let Judy know if he wasn't honest.

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