Chapter 40

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Giselle looked out the window at the tail lights of the car in front of them, the traffic was barely moving and she could tell that Corey was getting frustrated. We are going to be so late to the party he said looking at his watch it's already 10:30 he complained. Giselle grabbed his hand and told him it would be ok. She turned and looked at Steve and Amy in the back seat they were sitting very close together and Amy had her head on his shoulder. Giselle couldn't help but think how sweet they looked they were normally arguing about something but when no one was watching they were so loving to each other. They had been together for almost four years and Giselle just knew that one day they would be married. She looked over at Corey's handsome face he had his hair big like she loved and he looked so handsome in his gray and white striped blazer and black jeans. He had a long skinny piece of material wrapped around his head, it almost looked like a headband but much cooler he looked so good he made Giselle's knees feel weak. She hoped that in four years they would be just like Steve and Amy still deeply in love raising their beautiful child. Finally Corey said interrupting Giselle's thoughts. They were moving pretty quickly now on the freeway Corey took the exit going to West Hollywood. They drove down the dark streets leading to Hollywood Blvd. Giselle could see the red fluorescent Hotel Roosevelt sign coming into view as they approached the building it looked like there were hundreds of cars parked outside. Corey drove right up to the front of the hotel to the valet sign got out handed the keys over and told everyone to get out. Giselle could see the paparazzi rushing over and the flashing lights from their cameras were making her flinch. Corey grabbed her by the waist and led her up the red carpet walk to the doorway, Amy and Steve following close behind.

They walked down the hallway towards Alphy's Giselle could hear the music playing all the way down the hall just like the last time. They walked into the ballroom and stood in the doorway for a while. Feldman came up and purposely bumped in to Corey he had Drew and Lala in tow. Where have you guys been?  He asked Corey.  On the freeway he answered traffic was bumper to bumper for like forty five minutes he said it was a nightmare. That's unfortunate Feldman said. What's up Haimster? Lala said. Hey you Corey said smiling at her and nodding. So what's on the agenda tonight man? Feldman asked. Are we going back to your house for a pool party like the other day he asked? Corey looked over at Giselle and said I don't know man I got company tonight. Exactly that's why we should celebrate Feldman said. That sounds like fun Steve said putting his arm around Amy. What do you think Giselle? Corey asked and looked at her. Giselle didn't know what to say she really didn't want to be around a bunch of people and just wanted to hang with Corey alone tonight but did not want to seem uncool, so she agreed and said of course that sounds like fun. Then it's on Feldman said putting on his sunglasses. How can you see with those on Feldman? Corey asked. Very easily he said then added see you around and walked away with his arm around Drew and Lala trailing behind. Giselle noticed that she turned to look at Corey as she was walking off. Corey must have noticed because then he asked Giselle if she wanted to go grab a drink and began walking to the bar. I'll just take some water she said. Time after Time started playing and Amy told Steve that she wanted to dance so they made their way to the dance floor as Giselle followed Corey to the bar.

They took a seat and Corey asked the bartender for a Gin and Tonic and a bottle of water. So what's up with that? He asked Giselle. You only want water? Giselle didn't know what to say to Corey she knew she didn't want to tell him that she was pregnant until they were completely alone.  She drank her water and looked out at the dance floor at Steve and Amy they were so close together you couldn't pry them apart with a crowbar. Hey Haimster a girl's voice greeted Corey they both turned to look at the girl she was wearing a black bowler hat with a white t shirt and a navy blue vest over top. Giselle couldn't help but stare. It was Debbie Gibson! Corey stood up and hugged her and then turned to Giselle and said this is my girlfriend Giselle. Hi Giselle nice to meet you. You are just adorable. Debbie said. Thanks Giselle said to Debbie and I love your music she added.  Well I better get going Debbie said hugging Corey again take care of your girl she is most definitely arm candy she said smiling at Giselle. She sure is Corey said as Debbie walked off.  You wanna dance beautiful? Corey asked Giselle. Yes of course. She responded smiling at him. They made their way to the dance floor right beside Steve and Amy.  The Finer Things began to play and she hugged Corey tightly and wished time would stand still. When the song ended they all made their way to a booth and sat down. Feldman came up to the table he was still wearing his sunglasses and sat down. Are you guys almost ready to leave? He asked Corey.  The girls want to dance a little more I think man and then we can head out. Where is Drew? Corey asked Feldman. She and Lala are in the bathroom they have been saying they want to leave but I told them we were going to wait for you guys. Giselle could see Drew and Lala heading back over to the table; she could tell that they were drunk or something because they were stumbling as they walked. They plopped down beside Feldman. Are we going swimming yet? Drew slurred.  Hun you are cut off Feldman told her both of you are he added as he looked at Lala. Caribbean Queen came on and Drew and Lala began screaming you would think that they had seen god himself.  Let's dance! Lala yelled and pulled Drew onto the dance floor. Wow man Corey said you have got your hands full tonight. Yea I might need your help you know how those two are. Corey looked at Giselle and said sorry but I'm with my girl tonight bud you are on your own. Uh huh Feldman said and stood up. Giselle couldn't be sure what Feldman was meaning with his comment but it really bugged her. She turned to Corey and asked him why Lala was around he had promised she wouldn't be. Corey looked her in her eyes and said I can't help where Lala is I can't control that she is always with Drew and Drew is always with Feldman and he is always with me I can't do anything about it. Has she been to your house to parties since you have been back in LA? Giselle asked. She has Corey admitted but nothing has gone on with us I don't know how many times I have to say it Giselle I only want you and if you can't trust me I don't know if we are going to make it. Whatever Corey Giselle said and got up and walked away.

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