Chapter 5

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    Giselle was about done with her ice cream cone as Corey pulled in to a parking spot at Peter Pan Park right in front of the pond. There was only two other cars in the lot one of the car's windows were so fogged up you could not even see in and the other looked like someone had abandoned it there.  Corey cut his lights and took a bite of his ice cream before he spoke. Giselle you were right this place is very peaceful, lovin it. He said. He turned up the volume on the radio a bit and Giselle could hear I Still Believe one of her favorite songs. When I go back to LA maybe you can come visit me and I can take you up to Mulholland Dr. Have you ever been there? He asked. No Giselle replied. Well its' really beautiful it's at the top of a mountain and you can see all of the LA lights from up there its' one of my favorite spots to be especially after a long day on set. LA is so hectic and loud you almost feel like you are in a different world looking down at the hustle and bustle of the city a good place to think Corey added.  Giselle said she would love to come visit him in the city when he goes back if her mom would let her and told him how her mom has to drive to the city every day for her job but that she herself had not been there in quite some time.  Corey said he liked the city ok but preferred to live in a nice quiet town when he decides to settle down one day.  

    Giselle finally dared herself to ask Corey what she had been dreading asking him.  So when do you go back to the City? Corey looked at her and said well they have cast me and my best friend Corey Feldman in another movie together called License to Drive we start shooting at the beginning of June next year so I will be here for the rest of this school year. Giselle tried to hide her happiness that Corey would be there for a while. Cool she said as nonchalantly as possible and proceeded to ask what the new movie was going to be about. Corey explained to her that in his new movie he had the lead role and he fails his driver's test and that he takes his grandfather's car out for a spin one night with a bunch of friends and it turns into a disaster.  I can't wait to see it Giselle said it sounds hilarious. You definitely should come down to the set sometime and see us live it's really a cool experience if you have never seen a movie in action Corey told her.

    Giselle looked down at the clock on Corey's dashboard and realized it was almost ten twenty she reminded Corey that she needed to be home no later than ten thirty. Corey started the car and backed out of the parking lot. The ride back to Giselle's house was quiet except for the music on the radio. Nia Peeple's "Trouble" came on and Then White Snake's "Is this Love". Corey pulled into Giselle's drive way and said Giselle I had a wonderful time with you tonight he leaned in closer to Giselle it looked almost like he wanted to kiss her.  Giselle however chickened out at the last minute and opened the car door grabbed her purse thanked Corey for the ice cream and got out of the car she said I will see you tomorrow in class as she closed the car door. Giselle walked in the house at ten thirty two .Gia came to greet her as per usual Giselle could still hear the television downstairs and figured her mom was still awake so she made her way downstairs to talk to her mom for a bit .

    She was watching late night reruns of "The Cosby Show". She looked up from the T.V. and smiled at Giselle and asked her how it went with Corey. Giselle looked at her mom and told her everything the way that it had happened.  Her mom then said to her you are definitely glowing I can tell this boy is important to you. Giselle never told her mom whether or not Corey was important to her but she knew that she was starting to feel something more for him than just the normal fandom.  She kissed her mom goodnight picked up Gia and went upstairs to her bedroom.  As she walked past the hallway phone she noticed a note on the corkboard in her mother's handwriting saying that Amy had called she had completely forgotten to call Amy and it was now too late to call her she would have to tell her about her exciting evening tomorrow morning when they met at her locker.  She changed back into her pajamas, shut off the light and crawled into bed.  Gia crawled in after her as she always slept at her feet she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.       

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