Chapter 57

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Summer 1988


    Corey called me crying last night Judy said her and Giselle were relaxing in the pool on a warm summer afternoon. Oh really? Giselle said grabbing the purple inner tube that was floating past her and put it over her head. I thought he wasn't allowed to call us she added.  Looks like he is doing a lot better since they let him use the phone he really wants me to sign his papers to get him released even though the Dr. recommended a 9 month stay for him.  He says that he is better and doesn't need to be there not sure what to do she added. Will they let him out if you sign the papers? Giselle asked.  Yes they will, simply because he is a minor and I am his legal guardian. He says that there is a part that his agent wants him to audition for here in LA a movie called Watchers and then of course there is Dream a Little Dream which will begin filming in the fall in North Carolina. He says that he will be so busy that he won't have time to even think of using Judy said pulling her blonde hair into ponytail.  Giselle thought about what Judy was saying.  Well it sounds like he would be pretty busy and not have any time to do anything except for work she finally said. Of course here in LA we would be here to keep an eye on him then maybe we can travel with him to North Carolina and make sure he isn't getting into any trouble there she added. You know you are right Giselle I believe he should be ok as long as we are there to take care of him. Yes, teamwork Giselle responded with a big smile. She could not wait to see Corey she had not seen him since he had been admitted to the rehab facility in Malibu almost three months ago and she missed everything about him as much as she hated to admit it. She remembered how heartbroken he had been when the nurse had told him that he could not have any contact with anyone from the outside that it was detrimental for his recovery, they wouldn't even let him call home and talk to Judy he was crushed.  So she was surprised that they were going to let him go just like that but she figured that he should be doing pretty good since he had been there for several weeks already. Ok, then its settled Judy said interrupting her thoughts getting out of the pool and wrapping herself in her towel. I'm going to go inside and call Corey's Dr. and let him know that we will be traveling to Malibu tomorrow to pick him up. Sounds good Giselle said I can't wait she added.

    Giselle was up bright and early the next day she was even showered and dressed before 7 am and Judy had said that they didn't even have to leave until 9. She was so excited to pick up Corey, she was ready to hug and kiss him and never let go. Judy had made them biscuits and gravy that morning and Giselle was just finishing up her meal when the she heard the doorbell ring. I'll get it she said to Judy getting up from the island and making her way to the front door. Morning doll face Feldman said putting his Ray Bans on top of his head. Hey, she answered are you coming along to pick up Core? She asked. Why of course he said do you think that I would miss my best friend's release from rehab? He asked her in a funny voice and raising his left eyebrow. You are crazy she said punching him in the arm. Ouch watch out Rocky he said teasingly following her into the kitchen. Good morning Jude he said brightly to Judy. Are we ready to go get our boy? He asked as he walked around the island and gave Judy a hug. We are Judy responded I just hope he is she added hugging Feldman back. We better get going she said before we are late and Core thinks that we aren't coming she said. Yea let's go Feldman said as they all filed out of the house.

    The ocean looks so beautiful Giselle thought to herself as she looked out the passenger window of Judy's Mercedes. Wow, Core has it made out here Feldman said from the back seat it looks like paradise. Almost like the rehab facility has its own little island out here he added. You must have read my thoughts Giselle said to him that is exactly what I was thinking. Judy took the exit that said Whispering Palms Rehab Facility 5 miles and before Giselle knew it the huge building came into view. As they pulled into the long drive she could see that there were tennis courts and little huts setup throughout the grounds plus the ocean was right there they could probably go swimming in it any time they wanted.  A man in a white coat was waiting for them at the entrance. Hello folks he said I am Dr. Pearson he added smiling at them and shaking Judy's hand good to see you all this morning. I am Corey's Dr. and I am here to sign his release papers this morning and just making sure I release him to someone responsible he said looking at each of them in turn.  Well, I'm his mother Judy said I don't know how much more responsible you can get she added smiling back. Dr. Pearson was a very tall, brown haired middle aged man with the straightest, brightest smile Giselle had ever seen and his beautiful even tan made his teeth look even whiter. He probably tans while on the job out here Giselle thought to herself. They all walked into Dr. Pearson's office. Have a seat he said pulling up an extra seat from outside the door for Feldman. So our patient seems to be doing exceedingly well he said grabbing a folder out of the filing cabinet behind him. He made it through detox perfectly it was hard at first but he fought his way back and I am very proud of him. As long as he continues on the route he is on and takes his meds as prescribed he should be just fine. Now of course you all as the closest people to him have a part in this as well. You have to watch him and make sure he avoids certain people and situations that will make him stray from his rehabilitation path Dr. Pearson said handing Judy a pen and telling her where on the enormous stack of documents that she had to sign. I feel like I am signing my life away she said jokingly. Well in a way it is kind of like that Dr. Pearson said flashing his bright smile at her again except for it's not your life it's Corey's so remember that, it might make it easier to keep things in perspective that way he added. Looks like you got all of the forms I'm going to go get him from his room and I will return in a few minutes he said walking out the door leaving it cracked open. Giselle looked out into the hallway and a nurse walking down the hall caught her attention she was pushing a silver cart with little white cardboard cups on the top level of the cart and on the second level where what looked like prescription bottles there were tons of them Giselle couldn't even count them as she passed by, there must be at least fifty bottles on that cart she thought to herself maybe more. Wonder why they need all of those prescriptions?  Dr. Pearson coming around the corner with Corey in tow snapped Giselle back to reality. Corey looked amazing he was only wearing pair of acid wash jeans with enormous holes in the knees and thighs and a white t shirt but Giselle swore she had never seen a more handsome man in her entire life she just wanted to run up to him and throw her arms around his neck and kiss him but she knew she had to restrain from doing that. She turned to Judy and said here they come.  Hi baby Judy said as they walked in the door. Hello momma Corey said embracing Judy and kissing her on the cheek. Hey man he said to Feldman and they did their special handshake. You haven't forgotten Feldman said with a smile. Never, Corey said to him with a wink. You look good man Feldman added then sat back down.  Hey my love Corey said as his eyes landed on Giselle you look beautiful he added walking over to hug her. Giselle told herself that she was going to try and not get to intimate in front of Judy and everyone else but Corey looked so wonderful and she could tell by looking into his beautiful ocean eyes that he was sober a look that she had not seen on him in a very long time and she couldn't help it she jumped up from her seat and locked lips with him. He returned the kiss passionately she didn't know how long they were in the lip lock but it felt like an eternity it was so great the Giselle forgot that there were other people in the room. She finally broke away from him and she immediately felt her face get really hot.  I I I'm sorry she stuttered licking her lips and looking at Judy. Don't you worry my dear there is nothing to be sorry about I absolutely adore the way you love my son she said attempting to reassure Giselle.  Ok Corey your mother has signed all of the forms now you just need to sign a couple of forms for me and you will be on your way Dr. Pearson said grabbing the same stack of documents that Judy had signed and set them in front of Corey. Alright you are free Dr. Pearson said to Corey shaking his hand you take care of yourself stay on the right path and I know you will do fine. If you ever struggle just remember all of the people in this room are here to help you and feel free to call me if you ever need me he said as he opened the office door for them. They all piled into the Judy's car Feldman called shot gun to Giselle's dismay. Fine she said climbing into the back seat with Corey. The ride back home was a quiet one Giselle was happy she had relinquished the front seat to Feldman she wanted to sit in the back curled up beside Corey anyway and she was happy that he seemed to feel the same way. She looked out the window and watched as the huge facility and the ocean disappeared in the distance.

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