Chapter 45

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The next morning Giselle was awakened by what sounded like a lawn mower she got out of bed and looked out the window. Sure enough there was a man in an enormous lawn mower over by the tennis courts. She looked at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was almost ten she still felt very tired since she had only gotten about five hours of sleep. After her fight with Corey she found herself wide awake tossing and turning. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face then she changed into her striped maxi dress, denim jacket and flip flops. She tied her hair in a topknot and looked at her-self in the full length mirror. She could tell in that tight maxi dress that her stomach was starting to form a little bump. She rubbed it lightly and smiled. She then made the bed and cleaned up the bathroom until everything looked untouched. Off to Amy's room she thought as she opened the door and walked into the hall. She knocked on Amy's door and there was no answer she then pushed the door open and could see that Amy's bed had not been turned down and her dress and shoes from the night before were still lying at the foot of it. She must be in Steve's room Giselle thought. As she was walking to Steve's room she heard a door click open at the end of the hall. She looked up and Corey was stepping out of his room he walked towards Giselle giving her a sexy smile and looking at her up and down. Hey there my love he said reaching around her and grabbed her behind as he leaned in for a kiss. Giselle pulled away. What you think you are doing Corey? I still haven't forgotten last night and I'm still pretty angry. Ok I can be patient he said and took a few steps back and said. How are you today madam and how is my baby? He asked looking down at her tummy. Oh wow he said with a tender smile I can see your tummy he added as he reached his hand out and set it on her bump. Giselle could feel goosebumps all over her body with his touch and all that she wanted to do was jump into his arms and kiss him, but she had to be strong. He had to learn that if he wanted to be with her he couldn't go around making out and doing who knows what else with any other girls that he pleases. We are doing fine thank you daddy she said just ready to go home now. Well no rush said Corey let me make you and your friends some breakfast before you leave. Really you are going to cook for us she asked giving Corey a strange look. Hey girl I can cook no matter what you might think. I'm full of all kinds of surprises you just aren't ready for this he said playfully flashing her, his half smile. Uh huh Giselle said trying not to smile but she just could not help herself.  She turned quickly to knock on Steve's door before Corey could see that he had made her smile. Well Miss. He said. I'll be downstairs cooking up a storm, just come down when y'all are ready he said and walked away.

Giselle had to knock three times before Amy came to the door. Sorry Gigi I was in the shower she said when she finally answered the door. She was wrapped in her towel and had another towel on her head in a turban. She could hear Steve snoring from outside the door. You guys going to be ready soon? Giselle asked. I'm ready to go home she added.  I know Amy answered I haven't woken Steve up I figured I would take a shower and pack my stuff first she added. Well while you get dried off I can go over to your room and pack up your suitcase if you want Giselle said. I just ran into Corey on my way over here and he said he was headed down to make us some breakfast. Oh really? Amy said looking as surprised as Giselle had been. Yep that's what he said she answered. Well ok that sounds like a pretty good plan Amy said you can go over to my room and pack me and tidy up a bit in my room. I didn't really use it and I'll wake Steve up and take care of this room that way we can all go down and eat the lovely meal Corey is making for us and head out. Sounds like a plan Giselle said and she turned and left.

Giselle opened the door to Amy's room and went to the closet she grabbed the suitcase and laid it on the bed.  She took all of the dresses from the closet and placed them neatly in the suitcase and packed all of Amy's shoes on the other end she then opened the dresser and grabbed all of the undergarments and shorts out and threw them on top then zipped up the suitcase and set it on the ground .She straightened the bed and went to check the bathroom there was makeup scattered all over the sink counter. She opened Amy's Caboodle and put everything in then closed it she straightened the towel rack grabbed the Caboodle and turned off the light. Goodness Amy you packed for a whole month Giselle said to herself as she set the caboodle down beside the suitcase. Giselle decided the room looked neat and tidy. She grabbed Amy's bags and turned to leave clicking the door shut behind her. She rolled Amy's suitcase next door to Steve's room and knocked. Coming! She heard Amy yell from inside. Hey, she said as she opened the door. You got my stuff, thanks. We are almost done too I'm just finishing tidying up the bathroom. Giselle looked in and saw Steve on the end of the bed putting on his socks and his Nikes.  What's up scrub? He said as he always did. I'm doing well thanks. How are you feeling today? She asked you were pretty gone last night she added smiling at him. Actually I'm not feeling too bad considering he answered as he tied his shoes. You guys ready to head down? Amy asked as she flipped off the light in the bathroom and zipped up Steve's suitcase. We sure are Giselle said.

They all walked out of Steve's room and down the hall in single file as they approached the staircase Giselle could smell the food cooking in the kitchen. Mmmm smells like bacon! Steve said.  Corey is cooking us a nice breakfast this morning Amy informed him. Oh Steve said rolling his eyes maybe I spoke too soon. Steve I want you to be nice and eat whatever it is he made for us Amy said pinching Steve's arm. Ouch! He said. Ok ok no need for the abuse he added with a little wink as he kissed Amy's cheek. They reached the bottom of staircase and set their bags by the entrance then headed to the kitchen.  Giselle could see Corey standing at the stove flipping what looked like pancakes.  Feldman and Drew were both seated at the island looking like they had just rolled out of bed both dressed in baggy sweatpants and t shirts neither one of them was wearing shoes. Good morning crew Feldman said as he took a bite of his toast. Drew looked up from the orange that she was eating with a spoon and smiled. Giselle could swear that it was the fakest smile she had ever seen. Corey turned around and told them all to take a seat anywhere at the island that the food would be ready shortly. So what's on the menu man Steve asked as he took a seat on one of the stools at the island. We've got eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage and toast Corey said and then Feldman squeezed us some fresh orange juice if you guys would like some he said pointing to a carafe in the middle of the island. He grabbed three glasses out of the cupboard and handed them each one. Thank you Giselle said. You're welcome princess Corey said locking eyes with her and brushing her fingers softly when he handed her the glass. Giselle grabbed the carafe and poured her-self some juice. So what are you guys up to today? Feldman asked.  Just going to go home Amy said.  Well you guys should stay awhile our call time today is in the evening Corey and I are going to be destroying a Cadillac on location.  Oh and freeway driving the whole deal, it may be entertaining to watch he added with a little laugh. You guys really should it's gonna be a blast Corey said turning around to look at them.  Giselle looked over at Drew she was still sitting there eating that orange and did not look at all pleased with the fact that Feldman had just invited them to the set.  Because of this Giselle decided that she wanted to stay and go. That sounds like fun guys don't you think? She asked Amy and Steve. Does it ever! Steve answered sounding very excited then turned to look at Amy. If you guys are fine with it then I obviously am too Amy said taking a sip of her orange juice.  Awesome said Feldman you won't be disappointed he added. Corey came over with a large tray balanced on one hand he set down a plate with a massive stack of pancakes a bowl of scrambled eggs a plate of sausage and bacon and a plate with a tower of toast. He then gave them each a plate with silverware and said Bon Apetite. Thanks they all said in unison. This looks really delicious Amy said as she served herself some scrambled eggs. Corey then sat down and served him- self some eggs and toast. So where is your mom this morning? Giselle asked. She went to Beverly Hills to do some shopping my sister's birthday is coming up next week and she wanted to get her gift he said. I see said Giselle well that's cool what happened to the rest of your guests from last night? They all went home. Drew and Corey are my regulars I usually cook for them when they stay over after our get togethers he added.  Right guys?  Yea us plus Lala. Drew commented sounding very snotty. Giselle stopped eating and thought why would she bring that up? She wiped her mouth with her napkin and said excuse me as she got up and left the room. Drew what is with you? Feldman said sounding very annoyed with her. Well we all know that she is normally here with us. But you don't need to say that in front of my girl Drew Corey said. He stood up from his stool and went after Giselle.

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