Chapter 16

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     So what do you think I should wear tonight? Giselle asked Corey as she poked her head out of the bathroom door. Corey was sitting on the lounge opposite side the bed playing a video game on TV. Giselle still could not believe this place it even came with a Nintendo! Corey looked up briefly from his game and just said really anything would be ok but make sure its warmer it can be much cooler in LA at night especially out by the beach and on Mulholland. Got it Giselle answered going back to doing her makeup once she was done she pulled her hair into a side Dutch braid and started digging through her suitcase that was laying on the floor.  She pulled out a pair of light denim jeans that had rips in the thighs and knees and followed Corey's advice she pulled out a gray long sleeved turtleneck top and her Adidas superstars she slipped into her clothes, tied her black and white flannel around her waist and gave herself one last look in the mirror.

    You ready Freddy? She asked Corey as she turned the bathroom light off. Just one more level he answered not even looking away from the screen. Giselle walked over to the console on top of the TV and switched the Nintendo off. Aww man! Corey groaned with a smile on his face. He walked up to Giselle and wrapped his arms around her. You look beautiful! He said to her.  You wanna just stay in here tonight? He asked gesturing to the large bed.  Hmm as tempting as that sounds I would really like to go to the beach and Mullholland she said pecking his lips then walked over to the dresser and grabbed her purse.  Of course Corey said as he put on his Nike high tops.

    They walked out of the suite and started heading toward the pool area, there should be a walkway heading toward the beach Corey said as they reached the pool. Feldman was sitting in one of the hot tubs with a blonde girl. As they got closer Giselle recognized her as the girl that had played Gertie in ET, Drew Barrymore she thought was her name. Hey look who it is! Feldman said loudly. What's up man? Corey said. Not much we are just sitting here enjoying the hot tub Feldman added holding up a goblet that had what looked like red wine in it. She looked over at Drew and realized that she also had a goblet of wine in her hand. Giselle was in shock just because she knew that Drew couldn't be older than fourteen. Hi again Giselle Feldman said interrupting her thoughts. This is my girlfriend Drew. Hi Drew nice to meet you Giselle said holding her hand out for Drew to shake. She lowered the sunglasses she was wearing down her nose and gave Giselle a snotty look, looking at her up and down and ignoring the hand she was sticking out. Hi is all she said. Giselle retracted her hand. Drew then looked at Corey and said Haimster, La La should be by shortly. Giving him a smile and pushing her sunglasses back up. Oh yea? Corey said well we won't be back until late, I'm taking Giselle up to Mulholland so I may not get to see her if that's the case so definitely tell her I said hi.  We might get to see her tomorrow at the premiere though he added.  For sure Drew said with a smirk on her face taking a sip of her wine. We will see you all later Corey said with a little wave and they began to walk toward the beach.

    They walked in silence for a bit hand in hand when finally Giselle found the nerve to speak up. Who is Lala? She asked Corey. He looked at Giselle kind of shocked when she asked he got silent for a second and then said Lala is my ex- girlfriend. Actually we were together up until the time I moved to Riverside, she is one of the reasons I moved.  We were getting into some bad stuff in LA and my mom didn't really like her and she thought we were really bad influences on each other.  So she thought it would be good that I leave for a while to kind of let things cool off and so that I could get away from the crowds I was frequenting. I see said Giselle. Why would she be coming to the hotel that we are staying at.? I don't know Corey answered her and Drew are like peas in a pod so usually if one goes somewhere the other follows and Drew may be trying to stir some stuff up It wouldn't be the first time he added.  Yea that's what it seems like Giselle said she was kind of rude to me. Ignore her Corey said putting his arm around Giselle's shoulders this weekend is about you and me and Lala is in the past. As they reached the beach and began walking along the shore Giselle took a deep breath enjoying the smell of the salt in the air and listening to the wave's crash. She was trying to push the thought of this girl Lala from her mind and enjoy herself but for some reason she kept popping back up. She wondered how many other girls that Corey had once dated she would run into during her weekend visit to LA.

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