Chapter 59

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Spring 1989

    That movie was so scary! Steve exclaimed as they all walked out of the theatre they had gone to see Nightmare on Elm Street 4 as soon as it had hit the theatre. It was crazy Giselle said lacing her fingers through Xavier's. The guys were in town for Spring Break to visit Amy and Giselle and they had said that they wanted to hang out at spring break parties and such. So what else is happenin in your town tonight? Xavier asked lookin at Giselle and Amy for a response. Well, it isn't technically our spring break until the end of the month Amy said as she opened her car door. Well what are we gonna do then?  Steve asked. I promised Xavier here a good time since I had to practically beg him to give up goin home to Kansas and come here to visit you girls with me he said smiling teasingly at Giselle. Now, you know there is nowhere else I would rather be than with you Xavier said putting his arm around Giselle. Come here he said. Giselle scooted closer to him. Closer he said.  I can't get any closer without ending up in your lap she teased him. That is where I want you he said pulling her onto his lap he began kissing her neck, she turned and kissed him passionately on his lips. He tasted like peppermint and his cologne was mesmerizing, mmm she moaned. Eww, get a room! Amy exclaimed looking at them through the rearview mirror. Yea, Xavier Giselle said playfully punching him in the shoulder and sliding off of his lap. So what's good?  Xavier asked her the night is young.  I don't know what does everyone else want to do? She asked Amy and Steve. Well you know that there isn't much to do on a weeknight in Riverside especially since it's not Spring Break yet. I have an idea Giselle said. Really? They asked in unison. Let's go to Westwood she said. Gigi, Westwood is almost two hours away and it's a school night Amy said looking at her through the rearview again. Well it's early Giselle said plus the guys don't want to spend their spring break bored, we can skip school one day it will be alright she added. Amy was silent for a moment. Come on babe Steve said to Amy we gotta go besides the Kansas boy wants to go he said turning to look at Xavier. Am I right? He asked. I think so he responded.  What is Westwood exactly he asked looking at Giselle.  West Hollywood Giselle responded there is so much to do there no matter what day of the week it is and they have lots of fun stuff for teens like us. There is this bowling alley/club on Sunset that is open twenty four hours and it's always crawling with younger famous people since they are not able to get into many of the bigger clubs due to their age. I also want to take you to Pinches Tacos she added looking at Xavier. Pinches Tacos? Xavier said looking at her with a funny look. What? She asked. Do you even know what that means? He asked her. Yes, I do Giselle said giggling I don't know why they named it that but it is the best taco place in the history of the world. I doubt that Xavier said how authentic is it? He asked. Pretty authentic maybe not for you she said to him but for me it's the best taco place in the world. It's right on Sunset as well by that bowling alley actually. So what do you guys say should we go? Giselle asked.  I guess Amy said after a few moments I guess we are runaways for the night she added because there is no way our parents are going to allow us to go to Westwood at night especially on a school night she added. Yea, let's just go Giselle said both of our parents know the boys are in town so they will for sure know that we are with them and hopefully not question stuff too much. At least we hope Amy said as she got onto the freeway and turned up the volume on the stereo, one of Giselle's and Amy's favorite songs was on Heartache by Pepsi and Sherrie was playing. They both immediately began singing at the top of their lungs. Heartache it's a shame shame, ooo yea fools game they shouted. Steve and Xavier were plugging their ears with their index fingers and shaking their heads. These girls better keep their day jobs Steve said looking at Xavier in the back seat. That's for sure Xavier responded. Giselle punched Xavier in the arm as she continued to sing along to the song.

    It was going to be nine o clock when Amy pulled off of the freeway and started down Sunset. Where to first guys? She asked.  Everyone had taken a quick power nap on the two hour ride there. At least you guys got some rest she said sarcastically. Steve you are for sure driving on the way back she said smacking Steve on the back of the head to wake him up. Oh fine he grumbled as he turned his face to the passenger window and dozed back off. Let's go to Pinches Tacos Amy, Giselle responded I am hungry. Yea me too Xavier said removing his arm from around Giselle.  Sorry babe it was asleep from you laying on it not that I don't love you he added winking at her. Uh huh sure Giselle said in a sing song voice. There it is Giselle said as she saw the neon blue Pinches Tacos sign come into view on the corner of Sunset. Amy parked the car halfway down the street in the neighborhood behind the restaurant because there were so many cars parked up and down the hills. What is with all of these cars? She asked sounding a bit annoyed. It's all of these apartment complexes Giselle said getting out of the back seat, they don't have anywhere else to park she added.  After walking for almost a mile they walked into the restaurant it was pretty packed for nine o clock at night Giselle thought looking at the line of about fifteen people in front of the counter. Lots of people here Xavier said almost as if he had read her mind. Yea, I told you there is always stuff going on here even if it's a weekday or whenever she added. You aren't in Kansas anymore Dorothy she said to him smiling from ear to ear because of her clever joke. Stupid! Xavier said smiling and shaking his head at her. When they all finally had their food they took some seats outside in front of the restaurant facing Sunset Blvd. They all sat quietly and hungrily scarfing down their food and watching all of the traffic pass by. So where is the bowling alley? Steve asked taking a bite of his taco. It's just right down there she said pointing down the street you can kind of see the bowling pins and the ball at the top of the neon sign from here she added. Oh yea I see it he said. So not far she told him. You were right baby Xavier said looking at Giselle. Really?! She asked sounding surprised I am right about what? You never tell me I am right about anything she said playfully. This food is delicious he said especially this elote mmm I want like twenty more of them he added, so good.  Yep, told ya the best she said knowingly nodding her head.

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