Chapter 17

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     The sun had completely set by the time they reached the car. Giselle sat down in the passenger seat and took her shoes off to make sure she got all the sand out and Corey did the same.  He started the car and asked Giselle how she liked the beach.  It was really beautiful she said thank you for taking me. Anytime Corey said so now it's off to Mulholland that in my opinion is more beautiful than the beach he added.

The traffic is crazy Corey said as they pulled on to the freeway must be because it's Friday night he added. He was right they had been stopped for almost twenty minutes and all of the cars were bumper to bumper. This is nuts! He complained. How much longer before we get to our destination? Giselle asked.  Oh probably a good half an hour and maybe longer if this traffic doesn't let up. Giselle could tell Corey was aggravated so she decided to just let him vent as she remained quiet. She looked out the passenger window at all of the lights from the traffic and the city, so pretty she thought. Finally the traffic began to move and before she knew it they were going the speed limit. Finally! Corey said with a sigh of relief.

    Giselle was enjoying cruising down Sunset and Hollywood Boulevard watching all of the people that were out on Friday night.  All of the people bar hopping, it was very entertaining she had never been to this part of the city this late at night on a Friday it was quite an experience.  All of sudden the lights and the sounds began to fade and she could feel that the weather got much cooler.  Giselle realized they were now in Beverly Hills everything was so quiet and almost looked like they were in a completely different world far away from all of the noise of Hollywood but reality they were only a few minutes away.  She continued to look out the window as they passed the gated mansions with their perfectly manicured lawns glistening under the moonlight. Before she knew it they were on Mulholland Dr. and it appeared that they were going higher and higher up the mountain the roads became very narrow and winding, so much that you had to slow down just to be sure you didn't hit someone coming from the other direction head on. After many winding miles they finally got to the top of the mountain and Corey parked the car in a parking spot at the edge. They got out of the car and sat on the hood, Giselle had never seen a more breathtaking sight in her entire life. Everything was so peaceful and quiet except for the muted sound of traffic below. She loved just looking at the never ending sea of lights and of course the dimly lit Hollywood sign to their left. Oh my goodness Core this is wonderful it almost feels like we are in our own little world and there is no one for miles and miles! I know that's right Corey said. This is one of my favorite spots to come and think when I'm stressed or just have a bad day he confided in her. I can see why Giselle said feeling goosebumps rise on her arms it's getting a bit cold out she said as she un-wrapped her flannel from her waist and put it on. I'll keep you warm Corey said as he wrapped his arms around Giselle and pulled her close. Giselle's nose was right next to Corey's neck and she couldn't help but breath in deeply she loved the way he smelled. It was almost like he could read her thoughts because he said I forgot to refresh my cologne before we left. Well it doesn't matter she said because I love the way you smell. Oh yea? He said pulling her up so that they were face to face. He leaned in and kissed Giselle slowly at first and then more passionately until they were lying on top of the hood of the car. Corey put his hands in her flannel and began running them up and down her body. After many minutes passed he finally slowed the kiss down and broke away are you ready for bed?  He asked breathlessly. I think I am Giselle said sitting back up and fixing her clothes. Let's go then he said jumping off of the hood and helping her to her feet. They both climbed into the car and headed back down the mountain. Giselle looked out the window taking in all of the sights feeling a little bit nervous about what would happen once they got back to their hotel.

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