Chapter 42

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Corey pulled the car into the circular drive in front of his house they all got out of the car. Giselle saw another car pull in behind them and then another's headlights not far behind the second car. Corey led them through the front door and Giselle began to make her way up the staircase to her room. She could hear Corey telling Amy and Steve that he and Feldman would be out in the pool if they wanted to join them.  Sure thing man said Steve. Giselle got to her room and took off her shoes and dress then changed into some pajama pants and a tank top.  She took off her makeup and then gathered Amy's clothes and walked over to her room and knocked on the door. Come in she heard Amy say from the other side of the door. Giselle walked into the room and saw that Amy was also wearing some sleep shorts and a baggy t- shirt. Hey Gigi you going to bed already?  Probably she said I just came in to bring you back your stuff, thanks for letting me borrow it. You know that you are welcome to any of my stuff anytime. Giselle could hear people screaming from outside the window she walked over to it and looked down and there was Corey and Feldman and several other people hanging out by the pool. So are you going out there? Giselle asked turning to look at Amy. I don't know I probably will but I'm not going to swim. Steve said he wanted to go down there and hang out so I told him that we could go for a while. I see said Giselle.  You really should come down with us Amy said just for a bit it will be fun. I don't know I'm really tired Giselle answered plus I'm not thrilled about hanging out with some of the people down there including Corey he isn't my favorite person right now. Oh come on Giselle Amy said you know you are dying to go down there if not just to keep an eye on Corey. Giselle thought for a moment, Amy was right she wanted to see how he interacted with Lala. Ok she said you convinced me do you have a pair of shorts I can borrow because I don't want to wear my pajama pants out to the pool Giselle said looking down at her pink plaid pajama pants. Sure said Amy the top drawer has my shorts in it she said pointing to the dresser. Oh my Amy Giselle said opening the drawer.  You packed for a whole month I swear! She grabbed a pair of cut off destructed denim shorts and shut the drawer. You know I always come prepared she said with a little wink and aren't you glad I did she added. Yes Giselle said nodding there was another knock on the door and then it opened there stood Steve in a pair of blue Hawaiian swim trunks. Let's get down there girls it sure looks like the party is in full swing. I'm going to change into these shorts Giselle said and I'll meet you guys down there. She walked back over to her room and slipped into the shorts and put on her flip flops. She walked over to the window seat and sat down she looked out and could see that everyone was in the pool splashing and laughing and having a good time. She could also see they all had champagne glasses and she wondered if there was anything other than alcohol to drink down there. She walked out of the room and made her way down the stairs.

The house was so big Giselle was unsure which doorways to go through to get to the pool. She ended up walking through the kitchen it was enormous there was a huge marble island straight down the middle, it had a stove and a grill built in and a huge arrangement of pots and pans hanging directly above it. Why hello sweetheart said Corey's mother she was getting a bottle of water out of the massive platinum colored refrigerator. Hi Giselle said. Sorry but I didn't know how to get to the pool she added. Don't be sorry honey everyone has walked through here tonight you just go out that doorway she said pointing in the direction she needed to go, walk through the dining room and there at the end of the long table there is some French doors that lead to the pool Judy directed Giselle.  Thank you so much Judy you have a good night. You do the same darling. Giselle walked in the direction Judy had sent her and sure enough there were the double doors she was talking about. She stood there with her hand on the door handle for a minute and looked out the windows she could see everyone was out there having a blast. She saw Steve and Amy sitting at the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. Feldman and Corey were in the water drinking out of champagne glasses and all of the other guests were playing volleyball in the middle of the pool. Giselle walked out the doors and over to where Amy and Steve were sitting and sat down beside them.  Hey Gigi Amy said. The water is really nice you should put your feet in. Giselle slipped out of her flip flops and put her feet in she looked over at Corey and Feldman at the other end of the pool and realized that they hadn't even realized that she had come outside. She then looked over at Lala and Drew playing volleyball, she also saw that Martika was there and a couple other girls were there too one Giselle had never seen before and the other she thought she recognized from the movie Lucas. So are you going to talk to Corey? Amy asked Giselle interrupting her deep thoughts. I don't know she said he sure isn't even paying attention to us he is too engrossed in the volleyball game she added.  You should go over there and talk to him now he probably just doesn't know that you came out here Amy said.  Yea scrub you really should Steve chimed in. Fine I will Giselle said as she stood up and began to walk over to Corey. He finally looked in her direction as she was walking over and said over here sexy very loudly and patted the concrete beside where him and Feldman were. Giselle sat down and swung her legs into the pool. What you doin doll face? Feldman asked loudly taking a drink from his champagne glass .Giselle saw that he was still wearing his sunglasses and he sounded very intoxicated. Just hangin out. Giselle answered and turned to Corey. Hi sweetie I'm glad you decided to join us he slurred. Corey, are you drunk? Giselle asked him. I wouldn't say that Corey answered I haven't really had that many drinks tonight he said. Giselle was having a really hard time understanding him because all of his words were running together. Well I can barely understand you so I'm going back with my friends she said and stood up and walked off. Was it something I said? She could hear Corey yelling after her. Giselle felt that she might cry all she wanted to do was go upstairs and go to sleep she didn't want to be down there watching Corey get drunk and everyone else have a good time.  She knew she couldn't drink anything and that's all she wanted to do with how depressed she was feeling at the moment. She walked back over and sat back down by Amy and Steve. So what happened? Steve asked you sure came back really quickly. Nothing they are both really wasted over there and from the sounds of it so is everyone else here and I'm ready to just go to bed. Why what did he say to you? Amy asked. Nothing him and Feldman are both completely tanked she said. He was slurring his words and I don't feel like being around people like that since I can't drink right now Giselle said and stood up. She put on her flip flops waved goodbye to Amy and Steve and went inside.

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