Chapter 49

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Cut the director yelled as Corey was trying to crawl between a little hatch back car into the window of the big blue Cadillac. Ok Corey the director said you need to make it look like it's really hard for you to get into that car and that we are really going 60 miles an hour on the freeway. You are making it look like going from car to car is an everyday occurrence. I want you to make it known on your face that you are scared for your life that at any moment you could lose your grip on the Caddy and fall smack dab on the freeway.  Got it! Corey said and took his position back in the hatchback. Action yelled the director. Giselle and everyone there watching the scene were all piled onto the back of the tow truck she could not believe what a phenomenal actor Corey was as she watched how realistic he made his scene look after being scolded by the director. Cut the director yelled again that was perfect Corey beautiful acting he added and patted him on the back. Ok guys take ten.

So what do you think so far? Corey asked Giselle. It's really awesome she answered and you are such a good actor she said to him I can't wait until the movie comes out in theatres she added. How do you do all of those stunts without getting scared? Steve asked Corey. You know sometimes I am scared but for the most part I just tell myself that it's all fake, surely nothing too bad could happen he explained to Steve.  I better get back I don't want to be late Corey said kissing Giselle on the forehead and high fiving Steve as he walked away.  Giselle took a seat on the back of the tow truck again. This time it appeared that the blue Cadillac was going to be driven into a construction site manhole by another actor an older man who was pretending to be intoxicated.  Corey was trying to stop him because the car belongs to his grandfather and nobody knew he had taken the car out for a joy ride without a license.  It was such a fun scene and Corey was spectacular she thought. That's a wrap Giselle heard the director yell you guys did great he said high fiving Corey and Feldman and the older man. We will see you guys tomorrow the director told them call time is at seven again don't be late he added. Corey walked over to Giselle where she was sitting on the tow truck he reached his arms up to help her down. Come on my love he said as she jumped into his arms.

Everyone was excitedly talking about Corey's freeway scene on the car ride back to his house. That was radical man Steve said. Thanks Corey answered it was so much fun he added. Scenes like that are what really makes me love being an actor and well shooting on location and stunts, so fun he said. Tomorrow we are going to go to this old fashioned drive up burger joint complete with carhops on roller skates he added. Man I wish we could be here for that tonight was so much fun. Can we please stay just one more day? He begged Amy. It's totally up to Giselle Amy said. Giselle turned around to face Amy in the back seat and said I don't have any more clothes to stay until tomorrow plus our mom's think we are coming back today actually we should already be back. Oh come on Scrub how many times in your life are you going to get to see a real movie being filmed plus you know you guys' parents will all be ok with it if they knew that Steve said. I don't know Amy said but you might be right. If you need something to wear I would be happy to take you anywhere you would like to get something Corey said putting his hand on Giselle's tummy. Or you can borrow some of my stuff Amy said you know that I packed for a decade. Giselle thought about this for a moment and then said. Alright I'll call my mom when we get back to Corey's she said but for now where are we going to eat because baby and I are starving? She added.

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