Chapter 36

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You guys ready to go? Giselle asked as she walked into the secretary's office. Almost Amy said as they both turned in their clipboards to Gloria and she handed them the same paper that she had handed Giselle when she filled out her paperwork. Thanks so much Amy said to Giselle. Yea scrub thanks Steve said. Sure thing Giselle said now it's my turn. I got Corey's address are you ready to drive me there? She asked Amy. Why of course Amy said that's what friends are for. As they walked to the car Steve had to point out that the walk down the steps was definitely easier than going up. They all piled into the car and Giselle started to give Amy the directions to Corey's house.  Looks like he lives in Calabasas Giselle said. Do you know how to get there? Amy asked. Not really but I'm sure we can figure it out.  You mean he didn't bring you out to his house when you were here last? No Giselle responded the Corey's wanted to rent suites in Malibu because of the premier.  Ahh I see. Amy said as she got on to the freeway. Calabasas should be going towards Hidden Hills said Steve. How do you know? Amy asked rolling her eyes. Well for your information my uncle and his wife used to live in Hidden Hills so I do know. Uh huh sure said Amy. Don't doubt me said Steve you watch.  As luck would have it Steve was absolutely right so now they had to hear him brag about it over and over again. Oh it will be this way for the rest of the weekend Amy said you just wait. Well at least now I have something to look forward to Giselle said sarcastically.

Amy pulled the car off of the freeway and took the Calabasas exit as the speed limit slowed a large rock sign that said Welcome City of Calabasas came into view.  They passed what looked like the country club on the right which had a huge golf course. Wow nice said Steve I love me some golf he added. Amy just rolled her eyes and shook her head. What? Steve asked.  Nothing she said. Are we going the right way Giselle?  Amy asked as they passed through a tunnel which seemed to be two miles long, on the other end were what looked like several different neighborhoods with enormous houses all with lush green lawns with the sprinklers going making the perfectly manicured grass sparkle in the California sunlight. They passed several homes checking the address on the mailboxes and so far had not come across Corey's. At long last they came to long winding driveway with so many trees and palm trees that you couldn't even see the house but the mailbox at the end of the long winding driveway read 22910 Casa Loma the exact address that Marc had written on the sheet of notebook paper he had given Giselle. Amy started up the driveway half way up there was a tall double fence made of iron rods and there was a speaker box attached to it on the driver's side. Amy pushed the red button and in a couple seconds a man said hello. Is Corey available? Amy asked.  Who may I ask is calling on him? The voice asked. Giselle his girlfriend from Riverside she said. Corey is not at home at the moment but if you would like to speak to Judy you are welcome to. Giselle had to think a moment and then reached over Amy and pushed the red button again and told the voice that she would be ok with speaking with Judy.  As she said that the gates opened for them and Amy put the car into drive and they continued up the long circular driveway.   

In the center of the driveway there was more perfectly manicured green grass, there were a handful of gardeners working on the hedges and the flowers as the house came into view. Giselle could see that it was a two story house made out of white stone and looked like it had three wings. It had a Spanish tile roof, large arch shaped windows and a big black front door. Amy parked as close to the front door as she could everyone got out and Giselle led the way up the brick steps to the front door she reached up and rang the bell. Everything went silent as all three of them waited for someone to answer but almost two minutes passed and no one came to the door. Just as Giselle had decided to leave the door opened and there on the other side of the threshold stood one of the prettiest women Giselle had ever seen. She was slender with blonde hair that went slightly past her shoulders and very beautiful features that reminded Giselle so much of Corey.  She was wearing what looked like a black swimming suit cover up and a pair of flip flops. Hello said the woman. Hi said Giselle. I'm Giselle, I'm Corey's girlfriend and these are my two friends Amy and Steve we are all from Riverside. Why nice to meet you I'm Judy, Corey's mother she said in a very nice accent that Giselle could not place, how strange she thought Corey didn't have an accent. Very nice to meet all of you she said holding her hand out to shake each one of their hands in turn. I do apologize for the delay in answering the door we do not have a housekeeper right now since I just recently returned to the states and I was out by the pool. So you are looking for my son is that so she asked? Yes Giselle said nodding well sweetheart he is on set right now and more than likely will not be home until much later tonight. Is it possible to get the address to the studio please? Giselle asked. I'm not sure of the address honey I'm sorry but I can tell you where it's at. Ok said Giselle I really need to see Corey. Alright then Judy said, you want to go to West Hollywood and the set is just off of Sunset its Paramount Pictures you guys can't miss it. There is a large blue bill board that says Paramount out front. Perfect I think I know exactly where that is Giselle said I'm pretty sure I have seen it. Yes you cannot miss it Judy said. We will see you later ma'am Giselle said as they turned to leave. Please call me Judy she said and if you do see my son tell him he needs to be getting home early and not stay out all night because he has early call times for the next two months.  I will do Judy, Giselle reassured her and they all piled into Amy's car and left.

They drove back down the winding driveway in silence. When they reached the main road Amy broke the silence. So she was extraordinarily beautiful she said looking at Giselle. I know she really is Corey looks so much like her. Of course leave it to Steve to make a smart comment. So we must be on some wild goose chase he said from the back seat putting his sunglasses on top of his head. Steve be quiet Amy said you are on this just for the ride we don't need any back seat drivers. I don't know who you think you are talking too Steve mumbled under his breath. Excuse me what was that? Amy asked sounding slightly annoyed. Nothing Steve said. I swear you guys act like children sometimes Giselle told them. Yes but you know you love us Amy said smiling at her.

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