Chapter 10

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    The girls pulled into Giselle's driveway a little past ten both singing Hanging Tough loudly with the top down on the car.  Shhh! Giselle said my mom will get mad, she said that we always pull in with the stereo blaring and the top down late at night and wake up our neighbors.  Fine! Amy said as she completely turned off the stereo and pressed the button to raise the top on her car. Well I'll see you tomorrow at school Giselle said as she got out of the car and made her way around to the trunk to pull out the bags of new clothes she had just bought .Ok! Amy yelled I hope to see you at my locker bright and early as she backed down the driveway and drove off.

    Giselle made her way to the front door and saw that her mom had left the door unlocked so she let herself in and walked to the kitchen where her mom was seated on one of the stools at the island. Hey hon she said to Giselle how was the mall? Sure looks like you spent some money let me see what you bought. Her mom started to pull out all of the stuff that Giselle had bought, don't you wear color she asked jokingly. Everything in these bags is black, gray or white!  I still like color but right now I like neutral colors better Giselle answered.  I see her mom said including makeup she added as she pulled out a couple of nude lipsticks and matching lip liners that she had bought at MAC. Giselle just shrugged and grabbed a piece of banana bread that her mom had just baked off of the counter and took a seat with her mom at the island. As Giselle took a bite of her banana bread her mom said oh by the way Corey called. When? Giselle asked putting down her banana bread. Probably about forty five minutes ago her mom answered. Giselle tried to make it look like it was no big deal but all she wanted to do was jump up from that stool grab the phone and call him back.  Of course she didn't she proceeded to tell her mom about seeing him at the mall with a group of girls. Well sounds like he's making new friends. Yea Giselle said coolly. Well I'm really tired mom I'm going to go to bed I'll see you tomorrow she said as she rose from her stool kissed her mom on the forehead and said goodnight. She called Gia and told her it was bedtime and Gia followed her up the stairs to her room.

    As she walked past the hall phone she could see the note on the cork board with the message her mom had written letting her know that Corey had called. Giselle ripped the note off of the board as she walked by and took it with her to her room.  All she could think about as she got ready for bed was Corey and the way he had looked at her at the food court.  She pulled on some pajama shorts and a tank top and put her hair into a ponytail, washed her face and her teeth then pulled down the covers on her bed and crawled in with Gia right behind her.  Realizing that she wasn't all that tired she reached up and turned the lamp on beside her bed and the note saying that Corey called caught her eye again. Before she could stop herself she lifted the receiver out of the cradle of her pink princess phone and began to dial Corey's number.  She almost lost her nerve as the phone rang and thought she better hang up before she woke up the Greene family but before she could change her mind someone picked up the phone and she could tell by his voice that it was Corey. Hello he said and Giselle felt like her heart would jump out of her chest.  Hey she replied its Giselle. Hi there he said. Giselle thought for a moment that she could hear him smile when she said who she was but then decided that her mind was just playing tricks on her.  She apologized for calling so late. Don't you apologize Corey told her. I wanted you to call back other-wise I wouldn't have called you silly.  Ok that's fair said Giselle so what did you need to tell me she asked. Hmm nothing Corey replied just wanted to hear your voice. Giselle couldn't believe what she was hearing.  Oh really? She said a little snobbishly. How was your night at the mall with Nicole and her friends? She added. It was ok of course I'm not too big on shopping with a bunch of girls but it gave me something to do for the evening he answered. Giselle thought how crazy that's what everyone had been telling her, that he was just looking for stuff to do and trying to meet people in his new town.  Are you still there? Corey asked. She realized that she had zoned out for a minute. Um yea I'm here Giselle answered. So what do you think do you want to he asked. What, want to what? Giselle asked him. Meet me tonight he said again. Meet you where? She asked. Any-where or I'll come and pick you up Corey told her. Corey I can't there is no way my mom will let me leave it's really late. Don't tell her just sneak out once she goes to bed and I'll stop by and pick you up. Giselle had to really think about this and how she was going to do this without her mom hearing her because she really wanted to meet up with Corey. Ok. She said before she could talk herself out of it but give me like an hour or so I want to be sure my mom is asleep and when you come by don't pull into the driveway just park by the sidewalk a couple houses down Giselle instructed him. Yes Ma'am! Corey said I'll see you in in about an hour he added. They said goodbye and hung up.

    Giselle got out of bed again and walked to her closet quietly grabbing a pair of black Victoria Secret Sweatpants that said PINK in white letters across the behind she left her gray tank top on and threw on a black Victoria Secret hoodie over it that also said Pink in pink and silver sequins and a pink sequin heart on the back. She then slipped on her black flip flops piled her hair into a messy bun and put on some lip gloss and her Flower Bomb perfume. She looked at herself in her full length mirror and thought her mom was right she sure did wear a lot of black it looked like she was in mourning all of the time.  Oh well she thought as she opened the door to her room to see if her mom had gone to sleep. As she looked down the hallway she could see that all of the lights had been turned off and everything was pitch black. Giselle tip toed to her mom's room and put her ear up to the door to see if she could hear any sound. Hmmm no sound at all she thought not even the T.V.  She tip toed back to her room and looked at the clock sitting on her end table she had about twenty minutes before she had to meet Corey down the street. She decided to just go out the front door because there was no way she was going to remove the screen from the window in her room without making a ton of noise. She looked at Gia and told her to be quiet and go to sleep as she held her index finger up to her lips. Gia just laid her head down on the bed almost as if she could understand everything Giselle was telling her. Giselle shut off the lamp in her room and tip toed down the hall, down the stairs and quietly opened the front door and snuck out shutting the door slowly behind her, leaving it unlocked so that she could get back in.

    She walked down the walkway and down the driveway to the sidewalk where she could see Corey's red mustang already parked with the engine off in front of Giselle's neighbor's house.  As she opened the door to the car she could see Corey with his hands on the steering wheel flashing her his sexy half smile looking fly as usual in in his red sweat pants a t shirt and what looked like a black tweed blazer with white specks on it and of course red converse high tops. He had such great style and smelled so good just like he had when they had gone for ice cream. Hiya I see you were able to escape your fortress he said jokingly. Yep, sure was Giselle said proudly smiling at him. So where to? He asked Giselle. We can go to my old elementary school its' pretty close by and it has a really awesome playground she responded.  Ok Corey said that sounds like a blast just let me know how to get there. He started the car and put it into drive.

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