Chapter 30

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    Giselle was up in her room trying to do her makeup homework when the doorbell rang. I got it her mom yelled. A bit later Giselle heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then a small knock on the door, come in Giselle said. Hey Gigi Amy said flinging the door open she had a brown paper sack in her left hand. What are you doing here? She asked Amy I'm going to get you sick I told you I feel like death. Amy rolled her eyes. Giselle you are no more sick with the flu than I am. Don't say I didn't warn you said Giselle. What you got in the paper bag, a treat hopefully? Oh I definitely did bring you a treat Amy said pulling out a small box from the bag. The box said pregnancy test on the front. Oh my god Amy Giselle exclaimed as she jumped up from her bed and ran to close and lock the door. Giselle you really should take this just in case Amy said. Amy I know I'm not pregnant and I'll prove it. She grabbed the box out of Amy's hand and ripped it open she grabbed the stick and the little cup and made her way to the bathroom.  As she emerged from the bathroom with her cup of fresh urine she re- entered her room slowly and quietly closing the door behind her. So said Amy what's the verdict?  I don't know yet Giselle said there is a fifteen minute waiting period. We have to talk about stuff that will keep me distracted because I am now freaking out to the max Giselle admitted. So have you talked to him? Amy asked Giselle. Yea briefly this afternoon his phone call woke me up out of my deep sleep, he wants me to come see him in LA and I really want to go. I just know that I'm not going to want to come back Amy you don't understand the awesome free lives these kids have and they are our age and even younger they act so grown up and sophisticated and they never have parents around it's crazy. So what are you saying? Amy asked. I don't know. Giselle responded. I probably would want to stay up there with him and my mom would be mad. Corey has a house over there he lives in it with his mom she is his manager. If he has a house then why was he here? Amy asked. Well his mom had to go back to their hometown of Toronto while he was on vacation and she knew that she couldn't leave him alone because he is still under age.  Plus he was getting into a lot of trouble in Westwood during the filming of the Lost Boys. So his mom asked Stephanie who worked on the set if it was ok if Corey stayed with them and they could keep an eye on him while she was out of town. I see. Amy said.  Well is his mom coming back now that filming is about start up again? I don't know. Giselle said. We haven't really talked about it but I'm assuming she will be headed back pretty soon. Amy looked at the clock on the end table and said it's time Gigi go check the stick. Giselle took the stick out of the cup and handed it to Amy. I can't look, you do it. She said as she closed her eyes. Everything went silent almost a minute passed and Giselle still had not heard anything she opened one eye and peeked over at Amy. What are you doing why is it taking so freakin long!?

    Giselle you are in trouble Amy said. What are you talking about? She said grabbing the stick out of Amy's hand Giselle felt her stomach sink as she took a close look at it right there were two pink lines on the stick. Even though she knew the answer she still asked Amy what the two lines meant. Amy just looked at Giselle with wide eyes and said one line means not pregnant and two means you are. What am I going to do? Giselle said worriedly as she let the stick drop to the floor and sat down on the edge of her bed. Amy came over and sat down beside her and said well you do have options you know.  Giselle looked up at her and said like what? Well it just depends there is always adoption or abortion but you most definitely have to tell Corey about it first that way you guys can make a decision together Amy said. I'm so scared Giselle said I don't know how I'm going to tell Corey, oh man and my mom she is going to be so disappointed in me.  Amy hugged Giselle and told her that everything would be alright. So are you going to call Corey and tell him about it? Amy asked.  I don't know said Giselle I feel like I should go up there and tell him in person. I mean this is probably something we should talk about in person don't you think? She asked turning to look at Amy. Yea she said you're right you need to tell him in person.  Will you come with me? Giselle asked Amy. If I tell my mom that we are going to LA together she is more likely to let me go. Sure Amy said I'll have to ask my parents but I'm sure it will be fine with them as long as we go on a weekend and don't have to miss any school. Well Gigi I better get going I still have to stop by Steve's house and drop off his football jersey he left it at my house and they have an away game tomorrow.  Ok Giselle said see you later she added quietly.  Hang in there Amy said it's' going to be ok she hugged Giselle one last time and left the room, leaving Giselle alone. She sighed deeply and tried to return to her homework but just could not concentrate. She decided she wasn't going to say anything to her mom until she told Corey.  She felt a twinge of guilt she had never kept anything from her mom her whole life, it was going to be very hard for her.


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