Chapter 48

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Is it alright with everyone if we go straight to the movie set? Corey asked as he turned on to Sunset Blvd. That's fine with us Amy said from the back seat. How about you baby? He asked looking at Giselle. I'm ok with it as well I know we probably wouldn't have time to go all  the way back to your house anyway it's almost seven she said pointing at the clock on his dashboard. I know I'm trying to hurry he said this traffic only goes so fast.  At long last the Paramount sign came into view Corey pulled his car into the back lot everyone got out and Corey led them to the back door to Studio 3. Just as Corey had warned there was Feldman with his girls Drew and Lala. Hey guys how was shopping? Feldman asked as they all filed in. It was a good time we went all Pretty Woman esque on Rodeo Corey said with a wink. Sounds fun Feldman answered you ready to tear up this Cadillac? He asked Corey. Heck yes I am kind of nervous for some of the stunts but the rest sounds like a good time. The door to the studio opened and in walked Heather she was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized white t shirt. Her hair was up in a very messy ponytail and she was wearing a dark pair of sunglasses. Giselle thought she looked like she had not slept at all. She walked past everyone down the hall to a room with a sign on the door that said Hair and Makeup. Well you would think with having a late call time "Miss there is no way I'm kissing him" would be looking a little more up an at em than that Feldman said sarcastically. Drew gave Feldman a confused look, what do you mean "miss there is no way I'm kissing him"? She asked. She said she wasn't going to kiss Core because he had Mono a few months back.  He had talked about it in an interview so when Heather found out that she would have to kiss him she threw a fit and said she was not going to kiss him because she didn't want to catch his kissing disease. That's why we put our heads together and made sure Corey was all garlic' d up for their last kissing scene.  Speaking of which we need to get you all ready for the next kissing scene Core don't forget we can't disappoint her man Feldman added laughing and he and Corey did their special handshake.  Giselle cringed at the thought of another kissing scene. Alright crew the director said as he joined them in the studio. It's about thirty minutes before sunset I need you all to get into wardrobe and hair and makeup. Then we will all need to meet at Laurel Canyon to start the shoot.  You and your friends are welcome to hang out in the breakroom around the corner there is lots of comfy couches as well as food and stuff Corey said. There is a TV in my dressing room if you want to watch it. No that's ok Giselle said we are going to just hang out in the breakroom just come and get us when you are ready to go she said to Corey.  She turned to Amy and Steve and said let's go as she started to lead the way to the breakroom.  When they turned the corner Giselle saw that Drew and Lala were at the snack table. They both turned and stared at them when they saw them coming into the room. Hey Drew finally said with a small smile. Hi Giselle answered as she took a seat on one of the couches. Steve and Amy ventured over to the snack  table. Do you want something ? Amy asked Giselle. No thanks she answered and began rummaging in her purse for a stick of gum. Do you want to go to Feldman's dressing room and watch TV Giselle heard  Drew ask Lala sure she said as they both walked out of the room. Giselle was very relieved that they had gone. Amy and Steve came over and sat down on the couch beside her. Guess we aren't cool enough for them Steve said as he dipped a celery stick in his ranch. It's best they left Giselle said pinching her temple she could feel a headache coming on.

You guys ready to go? Corey asked as he made his way over to the snack table and grabbed a banana. We can't wait Steve said standing up he walked over to the trashcan to throw away his and Amy's trash. Are you going to drive? Giselle asked as she stood up and grabbed her purse. Yep I sure am unless of course you want to ride with Feldman and the girls he said teasingly. Giselle gave him a dirty look and shoved him playfully. Whatever she said and walked off. Steve looked at Corey and said man you are on dangerous ground with a smile as he and Amy followed Giselle out the door. They all piled into Corey's car. As Giselle put on her seatbelt she caught a whiff of Corey's cologne and had to sneak a look over at him. He looked gorgeous as he always did wearing some gray pants with a white dress shirt and a blazer over top. So where is that car you guys are going to destroy? She asked. They should have it ready when we get there Corey said from my understanding it's a junked car so pretty much we just get to finish it off. Cool Giselle said.  So do we get to ride with you guys? Well we probably won't be doing much driving at all he said what will happen is they will attach us to a tow truck and we will follow the camera crew so normally people watching will ride with them he added.

When they arrived at Laurel Canyon Giselle could see the huge rusted blue Cadillac very similar to the one that Corey and Heather had been standing on during the kissing scene that had made Giselle vomit. Corey and Feldman made their way over to inspect the car they jumped into the front seat and pretended to be cruising along. Giselle jump in! Corey yelled. No thanks Giselle said we are fine over here. Lala and Drew saw that Giselle and her friends had turned down the offer to ride in the clunker so they jumped in and were screaming and bouncing in the backseat as if Corey was really taking them on a wild ride. Giselle tried to hide the annoyance that she was feeling from appearing on her face but didn't know if she was being successful. Amy grabbed her arm and asked if she wanted to take walk around the Canyon. Sure she said as they walked off Steve in tow. Wow it's beautiful up here Amy said as she looked down at the LA lights. Isn't it? Giselle said Corey brought me up to Mulholland on the other side of the Canyon the last time I was in LA with him. It was a good time she added recalling the memory of her and Corey snuggled together on the hood of his car. Their baby wasn't even a glint in either of the minds yet she thought as she rubbed her belly. Hey ladies Steve said trying to get their attention don't you think we should be getting back? He asked. I don't want to miss any of the exciting scenes that I have been hearing about.

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