Chapter 1

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 Fall, 1987        

     Giselle was walking home from school one fall afternoon the weather was cool and breezy especially for Southern California so cool she had to wear her black and white flannel all the way buttoned up.  When Giselle arrived at home her pet Yorkie Gia ran to greet her at the door, other than Gia's excited panting the house was quiet.  Giselle was used to this she was always the first to arrive home after school her dad worked for the railroad and traveled so he was gone the majority of the time and her mom was a hair and makeup artist in the city and usually did not arrive at home until much later in the evening.  Giselle walked to the kitchen and set her school books on the island and realized that she was starving so she opened the refrigerator hoping to see something good to munch on to tide her over until her mom got home and fixed dinner.  She opened the crisper drawer and found that here was one Avocado left, yes, she exclaimed to herself. She had been daydreaming about her favorite avocado toast since 5th period at school.  She grabbed the avocado and the loaf of wheat bread off of the refrigerator shelf and shut the door.  As she fixed her snack Gia was begging for any scrap Giselle would give her or drop on the floor but Giselle did not believe in feeding Gia table food so she filled Gia's dog bowl with food and gave her water.  Giselle then grabbed her plate of Avocado toast and glass of iced water and walked to the family room. She set her plate on the coffee table and turned on the television as she was flipping through the channels she saw that there was nothing worth watching on this afternoon. As soon as she had given up hope she flipped to channel 25 which was a movie channel and saw they were showing Lucas. She loved that movie due to her favorite actor no other than the gorgeous Corey Haim, of course he was just a little baby in that movie it seemed but yet it was him nonetheless and she could watch it over and over because of that. She set the remote on the table picked up her snack and proceeded to enjoy the movie.

    Giselle was awakened by the ringing telephone that evening she realized that she had fallen asleep watching Lucas. On the Television they were now showing The Breakfast Club another one of her favorite movies. She could smell the spaghetti that her mother was cooking upstairs in the kitchen and could hear her walking around.  Giselle picked up the ringing phone "Hello" she said "OMG Giselle!" she heard her best friend Amy exclaim on the other end of the call.  "Oh hi Amy" Giselle said how are you?  Were you sleeping? Amy asked.  Giselle answered yes I passed out watching television earlier.  Well Giselle I have the craziest thing to tell you are you sitting down?  Amy, just tell me! Giselle exclaimed, Amy could be a huge drama queen and Giselle was not in the mood for that, since she had just been rudely awakened by her call. Ok well Amy started dramatically I was walking past the office on my way out of school after cheerleading practice tonight and you will never guess who I saw?!?!  Who, asked Giselle?

None other than the love of your life Corey Haim!  Giselle now fully awake could not comprehend what she had just been told so she asked Amy again. Umm you saw who Giselle asked. Corey Haim Amy sounded slightly annoyed that she had to repeat herself and he was where? Giselle asked again. Oh my god the attendance office! Amy screamed. Giselle sat there in silence wondering what on earth Corey Haim would be doing this far inland at her school out of all places. HELLOOOO Earth to Giselle! Amy said interrupting Giselle's thoughts. So I wonder what he is doing at our school? She asked Amy. I don't know Amy said but I'll bet we will soon find out.  Giselle her mother yelled at her letting her know that supper was ready. She told Amy that she had to go eat and that she would see her tomorrow at their normal morning meeting spot Amy's, locker.  They hung up and Giselle ran upstairs to eat dinner.

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